Part 2 - Boys ~ Chapter 14 - Kenric

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I glittered into view of Willa's house. Or, at least, her gardens. In front of me were luscious bushes and flowers, crystal fountains, and trees laden with glistening fruits. Biana had spared no expense creating her dream home.

I started walking down the path I knew would lead me to the main building where I could ask Biana or Dex where Willa's tree house was. Thankfully, I didn't have to go the whole way. Halfway down the path I ran into Dexy poo.

Just came to post this and found what Hope had added to that last sentence. I'm not even going to change it, but what Kenric really says is Dex.

"Hey, Kenric! Willa told me you' be coming over. She's waiting for you in her tree house, down the path to the right." He pointed to a stone path that curved and twisted around some Pures.

"Thanks!" I said, and headed down the trail. After a few minutes, the tree house came into sight. It was built in a big oak tree with bright green leaves. The tree house itself was made of wood matching the bark with a rope ladder leading up to the door. Window boxes in the windows overflowed with ivy and flowers.

"Kenric!" Willa called, and I realized she'd been watching me from one of the windows. "Come on up!"

"Is that the boy you said was coming over?" Asked a tiny voice from inside.

"Is he your boyfriend???" Asked another. I wished.

"No! Shut up before he gets up here!" Willa responded, and I could see her blush through the window. Score one for Team Killa!

I climbed the rope ladder and walked through the unlocked door to find Willa sitting in a hammock next to three tiny kids. The two girls had Willa's dark hair and the boy's was bright red. They looked around six, four, and two.

"Hey, Kenric!" Willa said. "Oh, um, these are my siblings. Or, some of them at least. Lilah, Kaylee, and Ren." She said, pointing at the kids. "The rest are inside or playing in the garden.

"Cool. Are these three going to stay for our, um, conversation?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows.

"Are you two gonna kiss or something?" Asked Kaylee, sticking out her tongue.

"No! We just have to talk about big kid things! Why don't you go play with Sasha or something?" Willa said, red-faced.

"You wouldn't want to have to hang around here. I mean, it's bad enough that I'm stuck talking about boring stuff with Willa, you're lucky you can save yourselves." I said, acting super bored.

"Let's go!" Shouted Lilah,and the kids ran to the ladder.

"You're good with kids," Willa laughed.

"Hey, I'm good at everything!"

"Then hopefully you'll be good at matchmaking. We should probably get started." She grinned, and pulled out a notebook.

After almost two hours of scribbling and coming up with ideas, we had a couple of convoluted plans, a proposal idea, a couple of names for their kids, and a ship name; tellie. So, in other words, not much.

"Ugh. By this point we could write a tellie fanfiction, but not actually get them to be together!" Willa groaned.

"Ummmmmmmmm we trap them in a room with mistletoe in it???" I offered.

"Christmas isn't for almost a month! Although... it is effective..." Willa considered. "How about we put it on the maybe list?"

"We should do it soon though,'' I said. "We can't wait until after Christmas!"

"Okay. How about we give them two weeks, and then if they still haven't gotten together we'll do Operation Mistletoe."

"Sounds like a plan!" I grinned. We spent the rest of our time together in her tree house, talking and trying to annoy each other to death. I won, obviously. Halfway through a heated debate on whether butterblasts or mallowmelt were the best dessert, Biana popped her head into the tree house.

"Hey Kenric! I need Willa's help in my shop right now, so you two will have to cut this short. Unless you want to come with us? I mean, it's a dress boutique, but it would give you too some more time to... talk," Biana smiled, and Willa turned red.

"Sounds good! Willa can man the counter, and I can model the dresses!" I volunteered. I could pull off anything.

"Ooh, yeah, you'll look great in this one puffy dress my mom designed." Willa laughed.

"Is that a yes then?" Biana asked.

"I guess it is!" Willa said as she jumped out of the hammock she'd been sitting in and moved towards the tree house ladder.

"Let's go!" I grinned.

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