Part 1 - Girls ~ Chapter 2 - Willa

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Look! Two chapters in one day! Sure.... we wrote these way ahead of time and were just waiting around to post them, but still! Hope you like it!

I sat in my tree house, looking out into the garden. My mom, Biana Dizznee, had built our house in the middle of a wonderland of flowers, fountains, and crystals. It gave her a beautiful view, blocked my dad's "unsightly workshop" and gave my seven siblings plenty of room to run around in. It also meant that I, the oldest, got my own tree house to escape from them, so I was all for the design. I sat there reading for a few minutes before my imparter started to beep.

"Willa! What are you doing? You're supposed to come over today, remember? My best friend, Ellie Foster, asked. We were both Level 2s at Foxfire.

"Sorry, I forgot! I'll be there in a minute!" I quickly stashed my book in my messenger bag and ran to my family's Leapmaster. "Meadowforest" I commanded before the light swirled around me and whisked me to the beautiful meadow where Ellie's parents, Sophie and Keefe Foster had built their house. It looked like a medieval castle, but I knew that inside it had all the modern things you'd expect to find in a house while still keeping the magical feel.

I dashed up to the door, almost running into Ellie's mom, Sophie, on the way. "Oops! Sorry!" I told her, swerving out of the way just in time.

"You're fine, Willa! If I had a luster for every time I bumped into someone, I'd be the richest elf alive. Ellie's in her room. Have fun!" Sophie told me, gesturing towards the castle.

"Thanks!" I had known the Fosters ever since I was born. My parents had always been really close with Sophie and Keefe, so it just made sense that I'd be friends with their kids. I turned and continued running into the castle, then up the staircase that led to Ellie's turret room. It had stone walls splattered with paint, and a half finished mural on the ceiling.

"Ellie! Sorry I'm late, I-" I started, but Ellie cut me off.

"Got lost in your book again. I totally would have done the same." She smiled. She was levitating up near the mural, adding touches of color to the tail of the alicorn she was flying on in it. She had on what were probably once white overalls, but they were now covered in paint smudges. Under that was another paint splattered purple tank-top. She wasn't big on fancy dresses, a lot like her mom.

Ellie had always been obsessed with art, like her dad. He had taught her from a young age how to shade and blend, use paints in ways that they practically popped off the walls and said hello.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, plopping myself on her purple blanketed bed.

"Well, Mom said we can bake mallowmelt, or just hang out, and if you want to you can sleep over!" She offered, coming down from the ceiling.

"Yes to everything!" I laughed. We were about to go downstairs to start baking when Kenric, Ellie's twin brother, showed up in the doorway. His hair was a mussed blonde that reminded me of Keefe's, and he had ice blue eyes with golden flecks. He wore a green jerkin and a big smirk that made him look even more like his dad.

"What do you want Kenric?" Ellie asked, exasperated even though he hadn't said a word.

"Mom told me you girls were baking mallowmelt. I want in!" He said, taking another step into Ellie's room.

"By "in" you mean you want to eat all of it after we do all the work." Ellie scowled.

"Ellie, it's my JOB to eat all of it and do none of the work." Kenric grinned, winking at me. I copied Ellie's glare.

"Get lost! Willa's over so you have to leave me alone!" She said, starting to push Kenric out the door.

"Well, the rule is that I have to leave you alone, but Mom never said anything about Willa!" Kenric winked again and I blushed hard before glaring again.

Ellie, finally having enough, shoved Kenric the rest of the way out of the door and shut it in his face. "We'll just have to wait him out." She sighed like this happened a lot.

"That's okay!" I told her, glad to be free of Kenric. "We can play some of those human games your mom gave you while we wait!"

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