15. Chapter The Event Part 1

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Your POV

“You're really nervous.” Jo has established as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had my outfit for the event picked, a beautiful night-blue gown, my hair was styled, only the shoes were missing. “Is it Pedro or is it about the event and Justin?” I swallowed hard as Jo said ‘Justin’. I told her nothing about Justin and me. Because I still don’t know what I should think and feel myself. And I’m mad at her, actually like really mad, but I have no time to talk about that right now. She didn’t give him the letter and with that she wasn’t faithful with me. She supposed to be my best friend. But all what I had in mind right now was, that I do know that the night with Justin was wonderful and very emotional. And I don’t know why I ran away in the first place. I actually don’t know why I did sleep with him anyway, not sure if that was a good idea. As I lay next to him and have watched him sleep, I panicked. His perfect flawless face, his tousled hair, plump lips. He looked so angelic, as he slept next to me. And suddenly my heart raced, his hands clutching at me as if his life would depend on me. I looked at my scars, this once I inflicted myself. I couldn’t breathe, not because of the hug but because of panic. And the fact that he knows now about my secret, it was too much for me to take, so I run.

“Earth to (YN). Are you there?” Called Jo, and took me out of my trance. I looked at her ashamed and smiled, biting my lower lip.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“Tell me, where were you last night?” She asked with a motherly voice. Her posturing bugging me slowly. She was with Justin already like that and now with me, that sucks. I know she is worried about me, but still she isn’t my mom, and I hate it when she acts like that.

“Mind your own business, Jo.” I hissed louder then I wanted but she didn’t seem to be effected by me at all. She started to laugh, shaking her head at me.

“I would love to come along.” Jo sighed in her sweatpants and a messy bun changing the topic. “All the celebrities and Leonardo. Wow, I envy you for your life sometimes.” She tossed herself giggling on my bed as I turned to her and smiled although the smile wasn’t a real one.

“Next time I'll take you with me.” I assured her, even if there is no reason to envy me on my life, and that is something she should know as my best friend. She knows what I have been through. “What time?” I asked her. She looked at her phone and immediately jumped up.

“You have only five minutes left.” She cried, and ran into the hallway to get my shoes. Thank you Jo, now I'm super nervous again. Only now I realized that I hadn’t heard from Justin throughout the day. I still didn’t know who he is coming with. Please let it be no other woman. I couldn’t bear to see him with another woman, even if I myself will be there with another man. Should I have called Justin today? Shit, shit, shit…

My shoes dressed my feet, my long-sleeved dress was perfect and I was really pleased with my appearance. Fortunately! I couldn’t stand it now, if I would have felt uncomfortable. Here we go, the doorbell rang. Before I could leave my room, I could already hear Jo opening the door and gasped when she saw Pedro. I stood behind her, and couldn’t believe my own eyes. Pedro looked indescribably handsome; wearing a designer suit that really did him well. Short term: I forgot my own name. But when I saw Johanna and the way she was looking at Pedro, damn her she was struck by lightning. The first time since Giovanni died, she looked at a man in this way. Jealousy, shut up!

You had sex last night with Justin Bieber, and now you're jealous of your best friend, who is starring at your date that isn’t Justin Bieber, but still super-hot and has obviously only eyes for you, so me, so yes baby…here I am. Only now I saw that he had a bouquet of roses in his hand.

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