31. Chapter Ask Dean...

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"Where the hell have you been all day?" Mike asked us as we came back to the house in the early evening hours. I probably looked like a plucked chicken, after Justin dragged me into that boat showing me how jealous and angry he was because of Pedro, let me tell you he was beyond furious and I loved every minute of it. Mikes eyes run up and down my body, discovering some marks and bites Justin left just a few ago. The blush shot me in the face as he suddenly had a dirty grin on his face. He knew immediately what Justin and I were doing all day.

"I showed (YN) the boat we rented." Justin answered calmly almost sounding proud. Mike chuckled, shaking his head going back to the other boys. I took a look around the house being shocked how it looked. What haven them been up to while Justin and I were gone? It looks like they just had a party.

Justin went over to the kitchen to get me and himself a water, we shared a short glance. I was kind of confused and he saw it, what made him laugh to himself. "You see what you get when you want me in this mood." He whispered against my ear, kissing my cheek. I laughed confidently and winked at him.

"At least I know what I need to do if I wanna be satisfied properly. Maybe I should call Pedro more frequently." I teased, taking a sip of my water.

"Don't you dare!" He warned, looking at me almost angrily. I laughed again cocky.

"I'm upstairs." I let him know. "I need a shower before we leave." He narrowed his eyes but nodded satisfied somehow and let me know he will join me in a few. I just heard the guys cheer as Justin went out to them, celebrating him like he would have climbed the Mount Everest. Idiots, I thought to myself and chuckled running up the stairs. Running...or rather crawling, since my body was sore.

The bathroom was more of a whole Spa. We had a huge tub which I filled with hot water. That's exactly what I need right now. Striping out of my clothes I let myself sink into the tub, relaxing right away. Can I stay here forever? I drifted off after I tuned on some music enjoying the moment to myself. Soon the pictures of Justin and I came back to my mind as we were at the boat.


Justin was dragging me over a wooden dock passing a lot of big and impressive boats, with his free hand he searched his pocket for whatever. Soon I saw keys in his hand and minutes later he led me up a beautiful yacht. He opened the door to the main cabin I guess. It was extravagate and looked expensive in all its glory. He turned to me pressing me against his hard, quickly moving chest, holding me in place by my upper arms, squeezing them tightly. His jaw was locked as he looked down on me with dark eyes. I bite my lower lip feeling my body responds on him being that close to me with getting hot and shaky.

"You drive me crazy. Do you know that? Why the hell do you have to have contact with this asshole anyway? Do you want him?" He hissed through gritted teeth.

"What happens if?" I challenged with a smirk making him throw me on a couch, surprising me with that move. Soon he hovered over me, grabbing my chin forcing me look him in the eyes.

"Don't even think about it." He warned me pressing his lips on mine hardly. "You're mine, only mine. Do you get that?" He hissed against my lips. "Answer!" He ordered.

"I'm not sure." I mumbled placing my hands around his neck, but he pulled both of my hands by my wrist above my head, pressing them against the couch.

"What did you say?" He hissed, licking his lips.

"Are you deaf?" I asked arrogant. It was all just a game, a sexy game and I love it. He squeezed my wrist a bit more making me moaned due to the pain. I felt his body on my and his crotch was already hard.

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