48. Chapter Girls' night!

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"Who are they?" Marissa asked me as I entered the bridal shop, followed by my new assistant and stylist. Yes, Justin, Scooter and James the press officer got their way and I get followed by Abby my assistant and Cali my stylist in addition to Hamza of course 24/7. With that I get even more attention than before, that's what happens when you run around town with a squad and act as if you would be someone. I hate it. I don't hate them; I mean they are just doing their job but still it's too much.

We were welcomed by two women with too much makeup and doubtless unmarried plastering a big smile on their faces, in their middle thirties. I know that sounds judgmental but I just observe try to portray what I see. Bitterness and lost dreams. This was what the women were. Sorry not sorry.

"No fucking way!" Johanna hissed as I told the girls about the manuscript Justin handed me three week ago before the gala. I ignored her but gave her a nod and kept talking, while the women looked at us weirdly. I guess they don't hear such strong language in their shop that often. I told Marissa, Miriam and Johanna everything while we were looking for the perfect wedding dress for Marissa and dresses for us as her Bridesmaids. They just looked at me with big eyes, and shook their heads in disbelieve, while curses left their lips every now and then.

"Where is he now?" Marissa asked. Justin was back to Europe doing Promo. I couldn't go since I was busy managing their marriage. I miss him, but due to the fact that I am so busy time passes by quickly. He calls me every day and we skype daily. Just seeing his face via phone or laptop helps to deal with the distance. I mean he is just on the other side of the world right now, giving interviews and attend TV shows. But still I'm pissed about all this new stuff. Do you even know how much I miss my sneaker and sweatpants? I'm not allowed to leave the house without being style from head to toe. It's ridicules.

"He's coming back next week." I answered, telling them the Europe thing. "This whole Promo-Tour is running pretty good for him, especially because I'm not with him."

"What does that mean?" Miriam asked.

"His fans doing really like me anymore. They say I wouldn't be a beliebers anymore since I act all different due to the style changes and stuff." I explained rolling my eyes. Seriously do you even know how much I miss my sneakers and yoga-pants? I know I said that just seconds ago, but I need you to understand how much I really miss it. I have to wear all this high heels and skirts all the time without really feeling it. "They believe I would betray them." I mean I do look good, better than before. But it annoys me.

"Betray them with what? Since when are you accountable to them?" Marissa asked with a frowned. "I mean you're Justin Biebers girlfriend. What did they think you would do and act like?" She asked being loyal towards me.

"I don't know...I guess they don't like changes. No matter in what." And neither do I actually. I mumbled a 'whatever' looking at a nice dress for Marissa, holding it up for her to see.

*Flashback Gala*

I stood next to Justin on the red carpet, and smiled for the cameras even though I was still pissed. He knew that but also smiled, kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms lovingly around me. I giggled as if he just told me a joke, when he actually just whispered excuses into my ear, begging me to hear him out. You need to know since I left the hotel room I haven't talked to him on word and I even went that far that as he started to explain himself to me in the car I put my headphones on and turned up the volume to make sure not to hear him. Childish? Maybe...but seriously this whole stunt he pulled on me today was just too much. It's not okay.

"I will not be going with you to the reporters...I don't feel like interviews today; you know?" I whispered into his ear as we slowly walked away from the photographers.

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