50. Chapter - Sleep

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"Where did Mike take him?" I asked Hamza as I looked at my face in the mirror. I knew that he already talked to Mike while I went to my bedroom to get changed. It's at least two hour ago since Justin left and the mood was still...heavy.

"He brought him to the hospital. He was so upset that he almost caused an accident. They gave him a sedative and he sleeps now." He informed me.

"What?" I hissed turning around in shock. "Mike has let him drive?" I asked in disbelieve. Hamza shook his head no.

"They had a fight on the way to the hotel and Justin was about to strangle Mike while he was driving." He explained. I couldn't believe what he just said.

"Take me to the hospital." I ordered, taking Justin and my phone, putting on my shoes.

"But your face." He mumbled, pointing at me.

"What about it?" I asked almost annoyed.

"They gonna asked what happened to you and as soon as they find out that Justin was brought in with a panic attack or rather said rage attack, they gonna know that it was him." He answered.

"I don't give a shit; I need to be there with him when he wakes up."

"Aren't you mad at him? I mean he hit you." Hamza asked me confused.

"Didn't you hear what you just told me yourself?" I asked with a frown on my face. "Justin just freaked out. He just found out that he killed someone, and it doesn't matter if I'm mad at him right now or not. He needs me to be there, otherwise he'll lose it completely."

I took a break also totally confused about how I actually feel.

"Take me to the hospital, so that no one sees me. And call Abby and Cali and they will fix it. They can apply that much makeup to my face that no one will even recognize me ever again." I ordered. Hamza took his phone and did what I told him to. I need to get there before he wakes up. He can't feel alone right now and I going to need Harvey's help to fix that. He needs to make sure that no one ever finds out about all that. He is the only one I can think of who is able to do that.

On the way to the hospital Cali was trying to cover my face in makeup so that really no one would see the bruise, while Abby talked to Scooter about all that. I took Justin's phone calling Harvey.

"Yo, Justin. What's up?" He cheered into the phone.

"It's me." I answered shortly. "(YN), what happened?" His voice changed immediately.

"After your call, Justin totally freaking out. I'm worried, Harvey. We need to do something, anything...fuck I don't know; I need your help. Can you come to LA before you meet him in NY?" I asked talking in a low voice, even though still everyone could hear me. But I trust them around me. I have to.

"Sure, I mean...if so, I also can meet him over there." Harvey answered, but he knew there was more to it.

"Yeah, well, he is lying in the hospital right now...they gave him a sedative. This is all too much for him to take, Harv." I explained.

"That bad, okay..." He mumbled, taking a little time to understand. "Don't say another word. Not on the phone." He ordered, sounding professional as always. I just mumbled an 'Okay'.

"I'll take the next flied. We'll meet tomorrow." He told me. Thank God! And with that we ended the call. It took another 10 minutes for us to get to the hospital. Paps and fans were already waiting in front of it, making it hard for me to get into it without being noticed. Just as we stopped the fans came running over to the car, waiting for me to get out. I knew most of them by name, since here in LA it always has been the same boys and girls.

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