39. Chapter One step ahead

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Justin's POV

To see his face again was worse than expected. I boiled when I saw him sitting there, in a small cafe with a woman, flirting, smiling, laughing, like he wouldn't have a care in the world. But this going to stop today. Today is the day, today is the day for him to pay for everything he did. He almost destroyed my life and with that not only mine but (YN)'s, my family and friends.

I was sitting next to Fabrizio in a SUV right in front of the café Dean was in. Fabrizio and I haven't slept all night. After that talk with Hailey and Hugo and their trip to the strip club. They had me as a fool and I couldn't do shit about it, I hate losing control and (YN) knows that! But I need to concentrate on Dean now. I can't let her control my mind. Not this time, not right now.

The girl that was with Dean right now, was a set-up, she was working for Vito and with that for me. She now meets for several days with him, asking him questions Vito told her to ask, accompanied him everywhere. She even fucks him, so it looks as realistic as possible. Vito pays her for it, with my money actually. Fab told me she would be a friend of the family, she is beautiful. A real Sicilian Beauty. And the way Dean looked at her he was totally into her, if I wouldn't know better I'd say he is in love with her but to be capable of love you'd need a heart and that what Dean is missing.

"I used to like that girl...she is a bomb in bed let me tell you." Fabrizio started to tell me.

"What happened?" I asked him in a whispered still staring out of the window just as Fab was doing.

"She is a bitch." He answered, like it would be the most obvious thing ever. "She is using men for her benefit, she is all about the money." He added. I could hear in his voice that he still wasn't really over her. "I kind of have a thing for bad bitches, but in the end of the day they just messing with you man."

"I know what you mean." I mumbled.

"How?" He asked astonished. "I mean, (YN) isn't a bitch, is she?"

"No, not like that. But I had girlfriends before her. Some of them were just like this girl over there. But (YN) actually...she is the totally opposite. She isn't behind my money or some shit like that but she is smart and always looking out for me, you know. She questions me and my decisions, she doesn't take my shit easily. She has her own head, her own opinions and no matter what others think about her or what she is doing she does it anyways. She doesn't get tried to tell me what I could do to get better, how I should stay humble and stuff like that. Sometimes that can be annoying as fuck."

"To me that sounds like the perfect woman to be honest." Fabrizio pointed out. And he was right. "And she loves you." He added, looking over to me.

"Yes she does. I thank the good Lord every day for that." I admitted biting my lower lip. Even though I can't get rid of that pictures in my head. Her on a chair while a naked guy is dancing around and on her, rubbing his dick against her. Oh damn, she gonna get punished for that stunt. I'm going to make her scream for relieve and I'll denied her. Over and over again...till she starts begging.

I love it when she is begging.

"Excuse me?" Fabrizio asked confused. Ups, did I say that out loud?

"Nothing." I tried to dismiss.

"Yeah right." Fab chuckled. "But I love it too, when they all shaky begging you to make them come...having the control over their womanhood. It's so amazing." He mused with a smirk, making now me chuckle. Fab's phone started buzzing so he took the call, it was his father Vito. "Sure he is here...okay..." He answered the call handing me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Why don't you answer your phone, Justin?" Vito asked me with a raspy low voice. Automatically, I reached into my pockets. Fuck, where is my phone? Not again. This time it can't be in (YN)'s purse.

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