44. Chapter Let's play a game.

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Justin's POV

The video was super successful and the song just took over the whole world. I was super successful again and had my first number one. I'm so grateful and proud, seriously as Scooter called me telling me I got my first number one I started crying. It was so emotional and special, people took me back and welcomed me and my work and that was all I could ask for. The success also means that I was back on the stages of the world, I couldn't describe that exhilaration. I performed all around the US and now I was in Berlin, Germany for a few days for interviews and visiting my label Universal. I going on a little promo-tour through Europe promoting my single and upcoming album.

(YN) and I haven't seen each other for more than two weeks now and I miss her like crazy. She stayed in LA, managing Ciccio's and Marissa's wedding. We face-timed and skyped as much as we could but the time-zone-difference makes it difficult for us to stay in touch. When I'm awake she sleeps and vice versa.

I just got in my hotel. The fans stood outside in the rain, waiting for me. Unfortunately I couldn't talk to them because I had an appointment with a reporter. I was so tired and confused. Every day I answer the same questions with the same answers. But that's a part of my job and even though it's annoying sometimes, I still like it.

From (YN):

'You gave her your almost empty coffee mug from Starbucks? You can't imagine how pleasurably she sucked on the straw. LOL'

(YN) texted me, letting me know she was stalking me what made me laugh. In addition, she sent me a picture of herself behind the wheel of my car with a cup of Starbucks. (Pictured above)

Before I got to the hotel we stopped by at a Starbucks for a coffee and there were like dozens of fans waiting for me, as I almost finished my coffee I passed it over to a girl and my securities pushed their way through the crowds to get me into the car, so I have no idea what happened to my almost empty mug.

To (YN):

'I wish someone else would suck at something else then a straw...;)'

In response I got another shot, this time it was a perfect manicured middle finger. Thanks for that baby, I miss you too. Maybe I should send her a dick-pic? Or maybe not...

After showering I had a little more time before the appointment so I called her.

"Do you miss me?" I asked her, lying on the bed.

"Madly!" She giggled as I heard in the background other cars honking. She cursed loudly and honked back. I laughed out loud.

"Woe my car has a scratch when I come back. Then there's trouble in paradise, I swear (YN)." I warned her still laughing about her ways of swearing about other drivers, even though she is the one who is driving really badly. She's always distracted by whatever...a bird, a song...you get what I mean.

"Well the main thing is that nothing happens to your car." She mumbled bitchy making me roll my eyes but we both laughed.

"Where are you driving to?" I asked her rubbing my naked upper body.

"Are you in bed?" She asked me back. "Your voice sounds so flat." She added. I 'hmm' for an answer. "I'm on my way to the dentist." She answered shortly.

"At six in the morning?" I asked, confused after I recalculated what time it is in LA at the moment. She hesitated. "And where is Hamza?" I ask suspiciously.

"He sits right next to me and yes I got an early appointment, so I can go shopping with Marissa later. Believe it or not but I'm pretty busy right now." She explained. "Marissa is about to freak out." She giggled.

Recovery 3 (Sequel to Recovery1&2 - Justin Bieber FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now