52. Chapter Not really!

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To see him at the piano is breathtaking over and over again. He was sitting on this huge stage surrounded by lights in various colors. The audience was quite calm and respectful waiting for him to sing a song for them. When he sang the first words of his song "Sorry" I again realized how incredibly talented he is. All the pent-up emotions, all the fear, love, anger...you could hear everything in every single word he was singing. I had goose bumps all over my body when I stood backstage and watched him. The jury of the talent show where he was performing was already standing during the performance to pay him their respects and as he suddenly stopped and the beat started dancers stormed the stage and everyone freaked out. Justin took the mic and began to dance. My whole body tingled, I wanted to enter the stage myself and dance with them. The show was over too soon but at that moment I realized that Justin soon will be on tour and I'm going to join him. I will see him perform all over the world almost every day. I'm excited like a little girl before Christmas.

He came running directly up to me with a charming smile on his beautiful face just to squeeze me tightly against his body seconds later. He was excited and happy, as always when he could do what he loved most. His lips found mine giving me a long peck what made me giggle into the kiss.

"I love you." He whispered and kissed me again.

"I love you too." I muttered as I already saw that Scooter was standing behind us.

"There are still some M&G that are waiting for you." He said to Justin. Justin's arm was still on my shoulders, as he pulled me with him. We followed Scooter into a small room were we expected the fans to visit Justin. I sat down in a corner next to Scooter and Allison.

I took pictures with my cell phone as the girls and boys happily came into the room to meet their idol. Justin took more time than planned for each and took photos with them, talked to them and hugged them over and over again. But after about 30 minutes it was over and we were on our way to the car. This was really a nice break from all the drama. Before the show after the rehearsals we took the free hours we had and went out for lunch, met with Hailey and Justin took me out shopping. I don't know what for but Justin was acting weird around Hailey and he apologized to her several times for something both didn't want to talk about in front of me, what only made me feel awkward and suspiciously.

"Do we wanna go out and celebrate with the others?" Justin asked me when we were in the car again. He knew I wasn't really in the mood; the better I knew he was. Whenever he is stressed or under pressure he wants to celebrate to distract himself, however, I prefer my own home and Netflix. Especially knowing that the upcoming days will going to be super stressful, regarding the fact that I have a wedding to organize.

"You wanna go." I said knowingly. He pursed his lips and gave me his famous puppy-eyes. How can you say no to that fool? I just smiled at him and nodded my head. As a thank you I got a kiss and his arm landed on my shoulders again. With his free hand he texted Nick that we would meet at "The Nice Guy" in an hour. This is the club where he was repeatedly seen with one of the Kardashians the last days. Kourtney to be exact. The woman he was with and the tabloids wrote they would have a thing going on. Again, there were rumors that the two were having an affair, and that she was trying to get back on her ex with that, using Justin to get Scott jealous. I mean they have three kids together and have been with each other for years. Yes, I stalked her online. How could I not? She was spending so much time with my fiancé, I need to know who she is.

I don't really know what to think of it, let alone if I should bring it up. I mean I trust him but there have been articles about the two being a thing and so many pictures were you could tell that they really like each other. But on the other hand, I was with an older man in New York without him knowing what I was doing there, without answering his calls nor texts and Justin in return was with an older woman here in LA. Would Justin start something with another woman? If he thought that I had something going on with Harvey...I mean as revenge? Is this a possibility? He knew that when he meets with her that I would know, that I would find out.

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