25. Chapter Your dirty little girl

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Your POV

Soft kisses on my neck took me out of my deep and restful sleep. I had to giggle, the stubble of Justin tickling on my skin as he snuggled up behind me, wrapping his arms around my naked torso, as his hands found my breast. On my ass I could feel his erection, which also immediately made me wet again. There is nothing better than sex in the morning. But I was so sore after last night. We went on after that amazing sex in front of the window, he didn't gave me much time as he pulled me into another room, making love to me. I don't even remember how I got to bed, I guess at some point I simply passed out.

"Baby, this was the best night of my life." He whispered against my ear, leaving kisses below. I kept my eyes closes, as he massaged my nipples, turning and twisting them between his long fingers. It was so hard for me not to moan but I was starving and my body was so not ready for another round. Even though my inner whore wanted him badly, just as she wanted that threesome with Justin and Channing that night at the event. Shit, I should go there again.

"You don't even need to tie me up to the bed, I don't think I can ever move again by myself." I whispered, giggling and turned in his embrace to look at him. What is there more beautiful in the morning, then to look at this man? His tousled hair standing in all imaginable directions and his playful smile, mixed with his eyes filled with lust, made me the happiness woman in this world. "I guess you have to carry me to the concert." I added biting my lower lip.

"I will, if I need to." He smiled, placing a little kiss on my nose. "I would do anything for you." He assured me now kissing my lips. And right there I knew he was saying the truth, I mean that he really means it. He want me to be happy with him. And in spite of what we have been through and how much I was hurt I knew I can't and won't be without him. My stomach growled suddenly, what surprised us both. "You hungry?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Sort of...ain't gonna lie you have drained me out tonight." I confessed, blushing a bit. He smiled at me proudly, as his hands run up and down my back, so slightly that it created goose bumps all over my body. Plus his erection that I still felt now against my lower stomach. His member touched me, pocking me a bit every now and then, while we just start at each other, as if it would want to say: 'Hello, I'm still here, notice me, please notice me.'

"You drive me crazy, you know that?" He whispered against my lips. "You have enchanted me. It's so hard to think clearly for me when I'm around you."

"Believe it or not, I feel the exact same way about you, Justin." I confessed. Still his cock hard on my stomach, making me giggle as it pocked me again. He almost blushed pulling away a bit, so I wouldn't feel it anymore. But I pressed myself closer, I like to feel it. He look at me sort of confused.

I couldn't ignore it any longer, so I pushed Justin on his back and pressed my lips to his. It took him a moment to understand what has just happened, and kissed me back quickly. Sensual I moved my lips on his perfectly defined body along down to his member, his eyes followed my every move, full of lust and desire. Painfully slow, I took his cock in my hand and licked with my tongue over his entire length several times.

"Oh shit, baby." He growled, biting his lower lip as he was breathing heavy. I love this power over him. My lips surrounded him, and slowly I pushed him deeper into my mouth. His eyes wide, as I let him disappear deep between my lips. He held up my hair, so he has a better look at me. Low moan came from his throat as I started to suck him, using my hand for support. Going up and down with my head he met my movements with his hips to intensify the feeling. His eyes widened even more as I almost completely put him in my mouth while my tongue caressed him.

"Jesus Christ, you don't have a gag reflex?" He moaned excited. "Looks like you're really hungry." He joked hard breathing, making me giggle inwardly. I looked deep into his eyes and sucked more to keep him from talking. And it worked since his eyes rolled back and he moaned even louder. My movements got faster and parallel he grew up in my mouth even more and his breathing got irregular.

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