8. Chapter More time with Justin

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I feel like posting that chapter right now, so I do!
Because I can.LOL Your guys are all so amazing so that's my gift for you, two chapters in two days...but don't get used to that! I just love that chapter and I need you guys to read it!


Justins POV

Without much sleep, I was in the dance school at 9:40. This annoying paparazzi blocked my way to the school again, asked inappropriate questions about my private life, and if I hadn't had Hugo and Mike with me, they would have probably rolled me over.

"Good Morning." I greeted the girl who was sitting at the counter. She looked emotionless, from her desktop up to me, but as soon as she realized who I am, she immediately smiled nervously giggled as she blushed.

"Good morning, Justin." Her hands slid through her long, not styled hair. Wow, she was just trying to be sexy, but failed miserably. Poor girl, I gave her my famous smirk and winked just to cheer her up a bit.

"I'm looking for Nick. Is he here yet?" I asked her politely and licked my lips. It is so much fun for me to insecure girls, especially when it's as easy as with her. She had an arrogant aura that she actually couldn't afford. She looked at the room plan, stood up and nodded.

"Follow me, please." She said and walked in front of me. Striking hard she had swing her hips, which looked just ridiculous. I had to stop myself from laughing. With such women I spent my last six months. How could I bear it? Oh yes, I wasn't sober. (YN) would hate her that's for sure. She opened the door to one of the dance halls, I followed her and saw Nick already warmed up.

"Nick!" I cheered when he saw me, a smile played on his lips. But I quickly saw that the smile wasn't real. We hugged each other in greeting, as the girl was still in the room and stared at us.

"Can we help?" I asked her with raised eyebrows. She cleared her throat ashamed, shook her head in disappointment and walked out again. "Ay!" I called after her. Expectant she turned around, eyes wide. "Nick and I expect a visit in a few minutes." I informed. She pursed her lips, turn on her heel. "Ay! Close the door behind you." I added with a superior smile. She rolled her eyes and left the room, louder than necessary. Target achieved, messing up someone's day. Check! What you seek is what you get, girl.

"I can't stand the girl neither." Nick muttered and patted me on my shoulder. I chuckled briefly, put my bag on the floor and looked nervously at the time. 9:50.

"Did you bring new music?" Nick asked me, apparently he didn't want to speak, but work. I had already noticed on the phone that he wasn't relaxed towards me. I shook my head, I haven't produced new music in a while, but I didn't tell him, at least not as long as I don't know what his problem is and what he is up to.

"What is it, Nick?" I asked without hesitation. In recent days, I had so many debates with people who were disappointed or angry at me that I become a professional in this territory slowly. He looked at me questioningly, but sighed and bit his lower lip. I'll go through such conversations a lot in the next weeks, but I deserve it. I'm the one who messed up.

"How could you cancel the promo tour on such short notice, bro?" He asked me, he had trouble to look me in the eyes. I knew there's something cooking.

"Because I haven't made any new music, I didn't get the album done. Nothing works as planned." I said louder than I wanted. I was nervous, the only thing at the moment I could think of was that my ex-girlfriend who will be here in a few minutes. I haven't seen her for so long and I don't want her to walk into a fight.

"Because you've decided to take this drug and to give up everything you had." Nick said out loud. I hate it when people talk to me like that, but he has always been that way, he always told me his opinion, regardless of the consequences. And for that I respect him. He treated me like a normal person, that's what I am. "We canceled all dates for you and focused on our job and in the end we were out of work." He added, he carried this rage a long time with him; that I could see and understand.

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