12. Chapter I want her

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“I didn’t mean to upset you.” Pedro said quietly, looking at me apologize. I immediately felt like crap. I was mad at Justin. I was angry at myself that I believed that Justin would be serious with me and I was mad at Pedro that he can read me like an open book. I don’t like that, not at all.

“I know that and I didn’t mean to yell at you, I’m sorry.” I replied calmly. He nodded sympathetically, and gave me a further smile. “It's probably better if you don’t try to talk to me about Justin.” I added and gave him a weak smile.

“Okay, no Justin talk.” He confirmed and gave me his hand to strike on it. I giggled, and instead to only place my hand shortly on his I let my hand a bit longer in his. He squeezed it briefly, with a sweet smile. Our fingers intertwine, his thumb stroking my hand back. And yes that is now also photographed. Take this Justin. We talked about lighter topics, laughed a little and kept walking along the pier. It was getting dark and we went back to our office where our cars were waiting for us.

“Thanks for the distraction that was exactly what I needed right now.” I said smiling at him.

“Gladly and I would be glad if we can do it again.” He smiled. I nodded and hugged him briefly. Without warning, he placed his plump lips on my cheek and gave me an innocent goodbye kiss. After I climbed into my car, I waved again and went on my way home. I feel good, and this time not because of Justin but because of myself, yes and perhaps also because of Pedro...a tiny small mini bit. I checked my phone after I had parked. The pictures of me and Pedro were everywhere. And I had two messages from Johanna, but since I'm at home in a few minutes anyway, she can tell me in person what she has to say.

“Johanna, I'm home!” I cried finally in our apartment, as I had kicked my shoes in the corner and my key placed into the bowl. I went into the living room where I suffered in a state of shock.

“Justin.” I mumbled, eyes wide as he stood there and looked at me angrily. Okay, he has seen the pictures. “What are you doing here?” I asked, confused, Johanna was standing beside him, uncertain. She looked at me apologize, but I only had eyes for him, as always when he was with me.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He said through clenched teeth, sarcastically. Only now I saw how tense and nervous he was. I stayed on my spot, I couldn’t move at first.

“I asked him to go, but...” Said Johanna tense but was immediately interrupted by Justin.

“You said you have no one else.” He hissed. I look at Johanna, telling her to leave us alone. She asked me if I’m sure, but I assured her that I’ll be fine, so she left us alone so we could talk. I wanted that, that was what I wanted. I wanted him jealous, but right now I’m not sure if that was the best idea I had.

“And you said you stopped with your other chicks.” I counters, Justin’s eyes wide. “So I guess we both lied about that.” I added, crossing my arms over my chest. I know how cocky I sounded, I pursed my lips, waiting what he has to say.

“Don’t act like that, (YN).” He warned, without reacting to what I have said.

“Like what? How do I act Justin?” I asked him defiantly. I was mad at him. He started it. He took a few steps towards me, so I had to lift my head to keep eye contact.

“Like a smart ass. That’s not you.” His voice was gentle, but his gaze was still dark, and I immediately smelled alcohol on his breath. I swallowed hard, but I could see that he didn’t drink much, he was sober mostly.

“How do you know? People change, Justin.” I said with wrinkles on my forehead. His jaw clenched.

“I don’t want you to change you was perfect the way you was.” Actually, it was a compliment, but his voice was hard.

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