28. Chapter No one needs to know

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Your POV

After the evening yesterday escalated so badly, Justin and I have talked the whole night. He was furious, angry, sad, all at once and even though Chloe also went against me, in the end of the day it was about Justin and his father. It was the first time for Justin to have such a bad fight with his dad and with that he told him things that he carried deep inside of himself for years. For years he has repressed it and ignored it, he was too happy that his father wanted to be a part of his life again. But after he saw how Jeremy acted, he couldn't but question him and this behavior.   

I know that Justin enjoys spending time with his siblings, he wants to make up to them, for not showing up for so long. He knows he has missed out on a lot and he blames himself for that, that's why the situation with Chloe is additionally a burden. He sees a strange woman with his sibling and apparently the two love her more than him. What is total nonsense, Jazzy idolized Justin and Jaxon just wants to be like him.

In order to avoid his father and Chloe, Justin and I got up early and took the kids; now we are in the zoo, and watch as the lions being fed. An employee at the zoo, I guess she's a keeper, has told us that there is a newborn tiger and has promised us that she would ask if we can go in and take some pictures with it. The zoo doesn't do that only out of niceness. Photos of Justin Bieber in the Zoo means more visitors and therefore more money. But in this case it was okay, because there is nothing better than to hold a baby tiger in your arms. And Jaxon was almost fading as we told him that he may will get the chance to stroke a tiger.

"Can I stroke the baby tiger too?" Jazzy asked, looking up at me with big eyes. I squatted down to her.

"Of course you can! And I'll take pictures of you and the baby, okay?" I assured her with a smile making her clap her hands, while Justin took Jaxon on his arm still watching the lions. Justin tried hard to have fun and not think about what happened last night with his father. But he knows that he has to face him today at some point and to talk to him.

"Girls, Boys, are you ready to visit Sam our new baby?" Asked the keeper us with a polite smile. We all nodded and followed her. Wow, I was nervous, being so close to a tiger, this was such an amazing experience. We were out and asked that we should calmly sat down in a well-heated room. The keeper told us that we must not scream and we shouldn't move too fast, so we don't scare Sam.

"Have you understood everything?" Justin asked his siblings who were very nervously sitting on our laps. Both nodded.

"Of course we did. We aren't stupid, Justin." Jazzy said precociously.

"Oh really?" He asked with raised eye brows and a smirk on his lips. He shook his head amused after Jazzy nodded again, crossing her arms. Taking his eyes away from her, looking up on me and his eyes got soft and loving. We just shared a look with each other, smiling.

"I love you." I said without sound, he read my lips, biting his own. Leaning over he placed his soft lips on mine for a little innocent kiss.

"I love you more." He whispered against my lips, leaving another peck, as suddenly the door went open and the keeper came in with the sweetest little thing on her arms I have ever seen. I really need to keep myself from squeal out loud. Sam was so unbelievable cute and fluffy. The keeper set him in front of us and without hesitation he jumped right into our direction. Every one of us was smiling as this little innocent creator tried growling and roaring but all what came out was a sweet little meow. The kids stroked Sam carefully while Justin took videos and pictures of them. I did the same till the keeper placed the tiger into my arms. My heart melt having Sam in my arms was such a perfect feeling, I almost cried out of happiness. Sam crawled up on me and then jumped on Justin's lap, crawling up his body to lick his face. He chuckled just like all of us.

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