22. Chapter The letter

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Your POV

"Why have you said this to him?" Leo asked me, after I told him how the movie night went down after Justin and I had sent him the picture of us on the couch. "Do you even have an idea what this has caused in Justin?" He added, as he was sitting on the couch in my office eating lunch. In recent weeks, Leo and I have come closer. Not like that, only on a human base. I trusted him and he trusted me. We talked a lot and he always had good advice when I needed them, even when I didn't he give me some just to piss me off sometimes, I guess.

"Of course I do, he does it all the time to me, he sleeps with other women, Leo." I hissed back, reminding him why I did that in the first place. Angry that Leo seemingly feels more compassion towards Justin as towards me, at this moment. Men solidarity sucks big times. Two days have now passed and I haven't heard from Justin. I felt bad that I had lied to him. Of course, I didn't sleep with Pedro, I wouldn't and couldn't ever do that to Justin. Pedro kept his distance to me and I really appreciate that.

"I don't wanna say that this is something different but it kind of is." Leo said, taking a sip of his water.

"How?" I asked raising my brows at him. "How in hell is that different?"

"You know that he loves you, he is telling you that still even though you guys aren't together right now. You know that he has no feeling for this bitches he his fucking. He did it because he thought you and Pedro have a thing going on." DiCaprio stared sitting up straight looking at me intensively with his blue eyes. I didn't back away, still waiting for the explanation. Since what he said so far makes totally no sense to me. "But he, he gets nothing in return. He is so unsure about the feeling you have for him, if you actually have some for him. He doesn't know because you didn't admit it. No, even in contrast you told him you slept with a guy he is scared of since day one, because he fear to lose you to him. He knows you, you wouldn't ever sleep with a guy who doesn't mean something to you. So this means, Justin now believes that you like or maybe even love Pedro." Leo explained to me, and I got pissed because he was right, again. This unpleasant feeling of guilt took hold and I looked to the floor ashamed and mad at the same time, at him, at me, at Justin...basically at the whole damn world. Justin saw how Pedro kissed me and I didn't tell him about it. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"So that means I messed up?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Big times." He assured me leaning back on the couch again with some kind of a smug smirk on his face. Can I smack that smirk out of his face please?

"I hate you."

"No you don't, (YN) and you know that. And you know that you still love Justin." He was so sure about what he just said it bugged me.

"Don't you need to go somewhere? Work or something." I asked, pouting, which made him laugh.

"Are you trying to just kick your boss out of his own office?" He asked laughed, as he stood up. I look up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Oh c'mon...shut up." I answered as I couldn't hold my own laugher back any longer. He was about to leave, as he turned around again.

"You know what?" He asked taking my attention back to him. I look at him expectantly wondering what he has forgotten. "Do yourself a favor and finally tell him that you still love him and forgive him. Forgive him for what he has done. You wouldn't believe what a relief forgiveness can be, not just for him but for you." This wisdom...sometimes I felt like Giovanni would stand in front of me and not Leonardo.


Thanks to Scooter I knew I would find Justin in the studio. Leo was right, unfortunately. And I needed to forgive Justin finally. The only other option was to say that I can't do it, and thus the contact with Justin would need to end completely and forever. But that wasn't an option, not for me at least, I know how I feel without him and I don't want to feel like that ever again. I need him just as much as he needs me. He deserves my forgiveness and I do too. I punish myself with my own behavior maybe even more then him.

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