10. Chapter Challenge accepted

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Your POV

"I have to warn you, I haven't played mini golf in ages." I said when we arrived in the square. There were fortunately just a few people and strangely, no photographers. By now the sun has gone, but the sky was still soaked in a rich pink, red, orange.

"Even better, you know, I hate to lose." Said Justin grinned and squeezed my hand a little. The man at the check-in gave us our golf clubs and balls, and two notepads and pencils. We searched the first stop, my eyes wandered over the place, it looked beautiful. Everything was so peaceful and there were so many colorful lights, light up the darkness that was about to come. Out of small boxes all over the place playing quiet good music.

"Challenge accepted!" I said, and freed my hand from his, took a golf club and a ball. Justin wrote our names on the note pad and put it to the side so he can watch me. His eyes burned literally holes in my head as I tried to concentrate. Difficult when Justin stares. I chuckled because I knew he did it on purpose. I looked over my shoulder and gave him a dirty look, he immediately looked into the sky, trying to hold back the laughter, whistling a tune. I couldn't but giggle. The first hurdle wasn't hard, actually I just needed to hit straight ahead. I pulled out just as Justin cleared his throat suddenly. I twitched briefly and looked at him angrily. He looked at me innocently, with a childish grin, his boyish grin.

"You are holding the golf club wrong." He said, came up to me hesitantly. He stood behind me, looked into my eyes for permission to touch me. I looked at him questioningly briefly but then nodded. He stood right behind me, I felt his hard chest against my back, his crotch on my backside. Goose bumps all over my body as his hands slid down my long-sleeved shirt and stopped on my hands. His face next to mine, when his chin rested directly on my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my cheek as our eyes met briefly.

"Look, one hand should be down here, the other on the handle. Do you see?" He whispered softly in my ear. My heart was racing and threatened to jump out of my chest any second. My whole body tense, like electric shocks radiated through my body with every touch. He led my hands and we struck together the ball, it slowly rolled and fell into the hole.

"Oh yes!!" I cheered and jumped up and down as I turned from Justin's arms and threw my arms around his naked. His hugged my waist and held me close to him. Oops, how do I get out of here now? Uncertain I loosened my embrace; but he didn't. I looked into his eyes as he looked at me with a charming smile without letting me go. I swallowed hard as I got nervous.

"Um, I guess it's your turn." I said, as I freed myself completely from his embrace, taking some steps back. He licked his lips, nodded and took his golf club. The moment he wanted to repel I squeaks loudly, so that he winced and didn't hit. I laughed out loud when he looked at me angrily. His eyes thin slits as he dropped the golf club and started running after me. I ran as fast as I could, but was quickly out of breath from laughing. I felt his strong arms around my waist as he threw me in the air and over his shoulders.

"Oh my God, Justin...let me down!" I cried laughing.

"Apologize!" He called, as he turned in a circle. Before I could say anything, we were suddenly in the meadow, he hovered above me. Both breathless and dizzy from laughing. We calmed slowly, he brushed a strand of hair from my face and studied my face, admiringly.

"It wasn't fair." He murmured, his breath hits my lips. I shrugged my shoulders, giggling and innocent.

"If we continue like this, we will never finished." I said as he looked at me pouting.

"Even better, so I have more time with you." He whispered with a mischievous grin. Our eyes locked together when I felt my cheeks flushed.

"So that's why you doing that...okay I get it." I giggled. 

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