9. Chapter Where are we going?

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Justin's POV

"What burger do you take?" Asked (YN). I shrugged my shoulders, I couldn't decide. I sat next to Nick across from her at a diner. If it wasn't for Nick, we probably wouldn't be here now. He has really helped me by being my wingman today. He kept the conversation going, while (YN) and I exchanged shy glances. The waitress came to our table, we ordered our drinks and continued to seek the menu for what we want to eat. (YN) looked as if she hadn't eaten very much in the last few months. And what I still don't understand is why she wears this sweater all the time. I mean we are in LA, it's winter still it's super-hot outside and she is dressed as if she would freeze. But maybe she's trying to hide that she has lost so much weight. This queasy feeling in my stomach made me mad, I knew it was because of me. It was my fault.

"If you are interested. Justin and I will rehearsal again on Sunday and I could use your help. You see, he really still need a lot of practice when it comes to dancing." Nick said, winking at (YN) slyly. I hit slammped my elbow in his side laughing. (YN) giggled and her eyes swayed between him and me.

"I'll think about it." She said with a grin and winked back. She made him a compliment for today's choreography and both were talking loosely about a particular step he had shown us.

"He got that step from me." I protested jokingly.

"That sounds so harsh. It maybe was inspired by you." Disagreed Nick laughing. (YN) laughed out loud and the whole room lit up with this sound. She is still as beautiful as ever, if not even more than before.

"Have you already chosen?" Asked the waitress who had placed our drinks on the table in front of us.

"I'll go with the cheeseburger and some fries." Said (YN) politely, and handed the menu back to the waitress. I ordered the same plus a hot dog. We still had half a day ahead of us, and I tried to think of something so I could spend more time with her. I need an idea. Nick excused himself when his phone rang and he left the diner to take the call in private. The mood was instantly hooked, we haven't been alone since forever.

(YN) chewed nervously on her lower lip. She looked at her hands, her fingers were naked. A few months ago she had two rings on her fingers, my rings. I studied her face, shamelessly, conspicuously I stared at her. I wanted to save everything in my mind what I could get, just in case that I won't see her again.There was so much we need to talk about but there is no way how to start it.

"Are you interested to do something after lunch with me?" I asked without thinking, I didn't know what we could do but the main thing is that I have more time with her. Her eyes shot up and met my uncertain once.

"Alone?" She asked with a trembling voice. I just nodded why she was so afraid to be alone with me? It's not like I would rape her or hurt her. She looked thoughtful, her eyes restless. Please don't turn me down, I couldn't handle that right now.

"But I would like to shower and get change before that." She said to my complete surprise. I was beaming from ear to ear as she has agreed to it. I nodded faster than necessary, causing her to blush and she giggled shyly again.

"Sure! We can go home...I mean ride to my house. There you can take a shower." For me it was and will always be our home, it was so hard for me to admit to myself that it was not our home anymore. She seemed restless, she didn't like the idea.

"I'd rather like to go to my apartment." She said and smiled at me uncertainly. "Justin, it would be strange for me...I'm not ready to come back to the house not yet."

"Nor yet." I muttered, more to myself than to her, she grinned and nodded. This means there is a chance that she'll be back, just not yet. "That's okay. Can I take a shower with you then?" Her eyes widened.

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