49. Chapter He killed him

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"Yes?" I asked shocked, now louder, sitting up but she popped down on the pillow, still in a deep sleep. "No, no, no...don't tell me you're still sleeping. Please, (YN)." I screamed in a whisper. This can't be happening to me. "Fuck." I hissed, grabbing into my hair. Never will I ever find the right words again, this was just perfect, it can't be that she didn't hear it. My heart skipped a beat as I suddenly saw a little smirk on her lips. My blood pressure was up too making me pass out any second. Does she smirk in her dreams or is she awake? "(YN), baby?" I asked leaning forward on my elbow to watch her closely. Her smirk grew as she felt me getting closer, making me almost freak out.

"Yes I wanna marry you." She whispered opening her eyes. "I always wanted to marry you and always will." She smiled looking into my eyes.

"Really?" I asked, still not sure if I was dreaming. Maybe I was just dreaming all this. She nods her head, biting her lower lip.

"Justin, I love you." She whispered. "I wanna be the woman of your dreams and I'll do everything to make you happy as long as I can be myself."

"I love you exactly the way you are I don't wanna change you. I told you that already." I answered.

"I know." She mumbled. She was still clearly drunk but tried hard to cover that. "Why are you here actually?" She asked after a while.

"Because you went nuts last night and I came here to..."

"Pull a fight." She ended my sentence. I rolled my eyes. Before I could say anything she continued. "How did all that anger turn out to make you propose to me instead...by the way...again?" She asked teasingly. I narrowed my eyes, pursing my lips.

"You little bitch." I whispered placing myself on her. "I'm still mad at you! You just freaking made me fly over here...do you even have an idea of what you and the girls did tonight?" I asked her, making her blush a bit but the smirk was still on her face. "Of course you don't because you don't give a shit about our reputation. But you know what, all that made me realize that no matter what you do I will never be able to stop loving you." I admitted stroking some strands of hair out of her face. Her make-up was anything as it used to look like, smudged all over her face, but still she was beautiful.

"Sounds like I have a free pass for messing up on a regular basis." She chuckled to herself, teasing me again.

"Don't even think about it!" I warned her, placing myself further on her. She giggled, running her hands through my hair. Her eyes were almost closed again, showing me how tired she was. "Baby..." I mumbled against her lips before I kiss her. She just 'hmm'. "If you fall asleep now and wake up in a few hours, will you still remember that conversation?" I asked her, sounding insecure because I was.

"What conversation?" She asked grinning, still having her eyes closed, pursing her lips showing me she wants another kiss, so I did kiss her again, but I quickly pulled back as I realized what she just said.

"You didn't just..." I started to tickle her, making her slide around below me as much as she could, laughing and giggling.

"I was kidding. Please stop!" She giggled, trying hard to push me off of her. But she had no chance, not in her condition at least, okay she wouldn't stand a chance if she would be sober neither. "Justin...please!" She could hardly breath. After another few seconds of her begging me to stop I did, since her face turned all red and her laugher turned into something that sounded more like a whimper, making me slightly worried. "I think I get sick." She whispered as I rolled down from her, laying down next to her.

"Are you sure?" I asked with concern. She just nodded her head, jumped out of the bed running over to the bathroom. "Wow, that's romantic." I mumbled following her a few seconds after she left, finding her hanging over the toilet puking her soul out. "Was that me?" I asked with a frown on my face, pulling her hair into a ponytail, rapping a hair tie around it as good as I could. Damn I should have practice more on Jazzy. I'm really not good at that.

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