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Chapter 15

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We were just having fun, splashing water around, living in the moment.

I've always been an outcast, my whole life. So now it was nice to know I had some people to call my friends.

"Hey! You kids, what are you doing?" A voice called out. I didn't quite recognise it, and neither did any of the boys as it seemed. We all whipped our heads to the source of the voice, in fear of being caught by some creepy old man.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Bill swim closer to me as he wrapped his arm around me, and stayed in front of me, in an almost protective manner.

Instead, there was a young girl. Around our age, firey hair, freckles and tan-ish skin. I knew her appearance rang a bell from somewhere but I couldn't quite place it.

As soon as Stanley exclaimed, "Beverly?" in shock. Then the bell rang. She was from our school. Stanley must have a class with her or something, because I have never really seen them hang out in their own time.

"Stan the man?" 'Beverly' yelled, as she was standing on the rocks a few miles away.

"Come join us!" Mike yelled back.

Beverly turned around and took off her white dress. This caused a few of the boys to whistle at the sight, no surprise there.

As Beverly swam over to our group, Bill had returned to his place next to me and seemed more calm, knowing it wasn't a complete stranger, but the arm around my waist still remained.

"Hey it's Scarface!" Beverly exclaimed. At that moment, it all hit me, like a truck. Beverly had spent many lunches in the bathroom, much like I had.

However, as I was trying to get away from the bullies, she was one of them.

To say I disliked Beverly was an understatement. Hell, I fuckin' hated her.

She caused torment and torture emotionally and physically on me for years. She had threatened me a few weeks ago to keep my mouth shut about it, because apparently her place at the school was on the line, as if she even deserved a place at this school.

It was Richie who quickly came into my defence. "Don't call her that." A few murmurs of agreement and a nod from Bill was added to Richie's statement.

Beverly tried playing it off with a fake laugh, "it was just a joke boys, do you seriously not have a sense of humour." She rolled her eyes.

But let me tell you, it wasn't a joke. In fact, I knew Beverly was the person who started the nickname. Why? I have absolutely no clue. I rattled my brain for weeks but came to no conclusion on why this girl wanted to ruin my life.

"So why are you here?" Normally, I would be polite and at least say 'no offence' but the Beverly girl is just getting on my nerves.

"Wow rude much," she scoffed under her breath, and I muttered a "says you" which only Bill seemed to pick up - who still had his hand around my waist - which he chuckled at.

"Anyways, I just saw you here and I recognised you guys from school, and thought why not go over and join them. Is that such a crime?" Yes. Yes in my books it is.

"Okay well now that we have an even number of people, how about we play chicken?" Stanley suggested.

"Okay I'm in, but I'm having y/n on my shoulders, I mean no offence Ed, but you're heavy as hell." Richie exclaimed as he made his way over to me.

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