s e v e n

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*The plot line, characters, and most of this does NOT belong to me, most credits to Stephen King! and also I do not know ALL of the words, so it might not be exact except for most of Richies's parts because he's just plain funny.*

*Also Y/N = Your name (just in case you didn't know, and not proof read, so sorry for spelling mistakes!*

·Bills POV·

As we ran out of the pharmacy, we dropped nearly half the things we wanted to buy. Oops, well its too late know. So we got to Ben, if that is even his name, and Richie they were in an awkward silence, which was not normal whenever Richie is around, he must have said something to make it this silent. So we got back and Eddie tried to stitch up Bens worst cuts but Richie kept shouting things at him like

"Get in there doctor K!" and

"Suck the wound!" Well that is just Richie being Richie I guess. Anyways that it not important, I was looking for Y/N because we just stole something... OMG WE JUST STOLE SOMETHING!!!! AM I GOING TO GO TO JAIL OR DIE!!!! anyways, calm down, Y/N helped us, nothing will happen thanks to Y/N. So I look for her, ya know to repay her because again we stole something, and she kind of did it for us. So I turn the corner, and there she is, aw she looks like a goddess, her Y/H/C (your hair colour) hair waving through the windy hair, so beautiful, wait why am I thinking this, no, no, stop, I don't even know her well an I'm falling for her, ugh, get your feelings straight Bill. She comes up to me and I scramble my hand through my pocket to giver her some money, but she refuses. She had somethings in her bag which she stole as well.

"Even Steven!" she exclaimed. We returned to the others.


Welp that's it for this chapter, it was short so i'm sorry, but that's life. Anyways, I know nobody will read this but I'll say it anyways, leave suggestions in the comments, and I hope you enjoyed :) Se ya later alligator, and other non binary species! :) And I don't want to be annoying and all but thank you for 2 votes OMG and 18 views !!!!! OMG THIS IS AMAZE BALLS THANK YOU SO MUCH! I never thought this would get any view in the first place, yet votes, so thank you so much. BYEEEEE!!!!

Also happy birthday Caspar Lee! :) :)

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