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Chapter 18-

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Not many things scare me, yet this clown thing wouldn't -couldn't leave my mind. Currently I was leaning against the bench silently next to Eddie, as I looked at the missing poster in front of me. The name Edward Corcoran standing out the most. Edward Corcoran was our age, a kid just like us. All I could think about though was the clown and how I'm not the only one who saw it.

"They say they found part of his hand all chewed up near the standpipe." Stan mutters from across from me. He looked distraught. I guess we all were in a sense.

We were all trying to get over the fact of this clown or whatever 'it' was. We all saw different things, and yet it all came back to that clown.

I'd normally consider myself as a strong and brave character, not the kind who gets scared at the spider in the bathtub, I mean, imagine how powerful the spiders would feel when they see a giant screaming and running away from then, but anyways, yet deep down I was truly terrified of this clown.

"He asked to borrow a pencil once," Ben commented, staring out into the blue. Commotion from down the street caught my attention. I looked back and saw Richie playing one of the band member's instruments as the band member desperately tried to take it back. God, Richie got up to some weird stuff.

I shake my head and laugh slightly, still finding the situation sort of funny and turn back around to see Bill walking towards the flyer. He gently lifts up the flyer to reveal another missing flyer. Betty Ripsom.

"It's like she's been f-f-forgotten because C-Corcoran's missing," Bill says, I frowned, he looked so sad, his eyes looked so somber and sorrowful. Bill looks down in general, he's been so quiet, quieter than normal, I watched attentively as he put Edward's flyer back down.

"Is it ever gonna end?" Stan asks. He was being vague with his rhetorical question yet we all seemed to catch on about what he meant.

He was talking about the same clown that turned all our dreams into nightmares, then haunted those nightmares, but that was only when -or if, we'd get even a quick blink of shuteye because it was impossible to sleep when this terrifying thing was roaming  around the streets, and now that I know the others have seen it, I know it's not a figment if my imagination, but rather very real.

"What the fuck, dude?" I hear from behind me, I turn around to see that the band member took the instrument from Richie. I turn back around, not really investing my interest in whatever way Richie was annoying this poor man this time.

"What are you guys talking about?" I hear Eddie ask from behind me, I jump, I didn't know he was there. Jeez, maybe a warning next time.

"Sorry." He mumbles into my hair as he hugs me from behind, his arms latching around my waist, I turn around and hug him, smiling knowing I could never simply dislike this boy. Nobody could hate Eddie, I mean he is Eddie Kaspbrack, need I say more?

I release him from the hug to see him standing there with two ice cream cones and an apologetic face. I smile at him and his generosity.

"It's fine." I reassure him. He smiles, revered that I wasn't holding a grudge against him, but there was no need to over something so small, so he just resumed to listen in on the conversation and made a cute face as his attention was half focused on the conversation and half of the ice cream cone he was licking.

"What they always talk about." Richie replies annoyed. Eddie handed him the other ice cream cone he was holding, and Richie started to devour the ice cream.

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