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Chapter 20-

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After Eddie convinced me that I had to -and could ride on the back of his bike, due to my small leg injury, we rode off following Bill to the Well House.

We got there just in time to make him realise what he was actually getting into. I'm not saying what he's doing is wrong, I'm just saying that he is so driven in trying to find his brother, that those thoughts are clouding his judgment and he isn't fully seeing how dangerous this is.

I mean, we don't know what's in that house, but after what we've all been through it may as well be a fucking freaky clown that's going to rip our heads of and play with our bodies like dolls. That's how insanely creepy that clown is.

"Bill!" I yelled, watching him just stare at the door. Eddie kind of had to help me get off his bike, and although it was painful I would go through the pain to make sure Bill knows what he's getting into. I would go through immeasurable amounts of pain just to make sure he was safe at the end of the day.

That just shows how close we've all become in the past few weeks.

"You can't go in there!" Stanley shouts out to him, you could hear the pain in his voice. I would guess that he is the most sensitive one out of all of us, but in a way that was good because sometimes he reminded us of what we were all too blinded to see.

"This is crazy!" Bev continues, completely ignoring Stanley's remark.

"Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran, or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuff animal, but he isn't, so walking into this house for me... is easier than walking into my own." Bill explains.

Wow. I guess we never really thought of that side. Of course I sympathised with Bill, because losing a loved one is always hard, but when one goes missing it's even worse because you know they're still out there, you just don't know where.

And I can imagine this whole process has been hard for Bill, but I never really sat down and thought about it.

Also, I know many people think Georgie is dead, but I prefer to believe he is missing, out there somewhere, still breathing and wishing how he could be in his big brothers arms again because he misses it.

Imagining his little brother is missing is Bill's coping mechanism, and I think everyone should be okay with that. Besides there's no proof that Georgie is dead, so he may as well be alive. It's like, do scientists make a discovery without evidence? No. So why should we assume Georgie isn't just missing without any evidence.

"Wow." Richie mumbles. I look at him, wondering if he was thinking about how long the physiological path can go with this.

"What?" Ben asks, furrowing his eyebrows confused.

"He didn't stutter once." Richie points out. Really, out of everything Bill just said, that's what he gathered. Although to be fair, it just showed how Bill really was determined to find Georgie, and nothing could stop him, not even his stutter.

I decided that Bill was right. I have always been a modest -you-before-me kind of person with a caring attitude, so I believe that finding out the cause to all these missing children will help. And soon enough everyone else got in the right mindset and followed Bill into the house.

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