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*The plot line, characters, and most of this does NOT belong to me, most credits to Stephen King! and also I do not know ALL of the words, so it might not be exact except for most of Richies's parts because he's just plain funny.*

*Also Y/N = Your name and Y/L/N = Your last name (just in case you didn't know, and not proof read, so sorry for spelling mistakes!*

*And sorry for any swearing.*

·Bill's POV·

The boy told us his name, it was Ben, anyways, Ben rode on the back of my bike, as we were rushing towards the pharmacy to get Ben some things to fix him up, because he looked extremely hurt. Eddie was panicking a lot not just normal Eddie but more Eddie than usual.

"R-R-Richie stay here" I say as we hop off our bikes and run to the pharmacy.

·Bens POV (super quickly)·

"I'm glad I got to meet you before you died." Richie said, braking the awkward silence, but that sentence just made the just made the silence weirder.

·Y/N POV (finally)·

I was in the pharmacy getting some things I needed, at home, when I heard the door open, no big deal, so as I was heading to pay up, I saw Greta. Nope, next isle, then I saw the boys, (apparently they call themselves the losers club) I put anything embarrassing behind my back, when I see them.

·Bills POV (a few seconds before)·

We arrived at the pharmacy and then Eddie, rushed to an isle and grabbed a ton of things,

"Can we pay for all of that" I ask, looking at what Eddie has in his arms.

"This is all we have" Stanley said, as he pulled out, not a lot of money from his pocket.

"Seriously" Eddie said, clearly annoyed.

"Wait you have an account here don't you" Stanley asked Eddie.

"If my mum finds out I bought all this stuff for myself, then i'll be in the emergency room, all weekend, getting x-rays, and all sorts.

"were done for" We see Y/N Y/L/N she's kind of the popular girl in our year or at least in my opinion. She walks in the isle and I ask

"Y-y-you o-okay?" I ask curious for the reason on why she is here,

"Yeah fine whats wrong with you."She replies gesturing to the stuff / supplies in our hands.

"none of your business..." Stanley said trying not to sound suspicious, but I think he failed because Y/N just raised her eyebrow.

" There's a guy outside he looks like he has been killed." Eddie blurted out, great. Thanks for not being suspicious.

"W-we n-need some s-supplies b-but don't have enough m-m-money." I explained.

"I have a plan." Y/N says willing to help us, hopefully it works. She told us that she would distract the cashier person, and then we would make a run for it.

·Your POV·

" I like theses glasses... Do you think that I could try them on?" You said in the most tempting yet convincing way possible,

"Well yeah you know you'd look just like Emma Stone."

"Aww thank you." You said trying to blush? While putting on the glasses, things went blurry because you didn't actually need glasses.

"Well thank you. I should get going." As you say that you give Mr Keene the glasses, and push over a box of batteries, which end up spilling everywhere.

"Oh i'm so so sorry! I'm such a clutz" You blurt out.

"oh don't worry 'bout it" Me Keene says calmly as he bends down to pick up the batteries which escaped from the box when they got the chance, he was pretty fast at cleaning them up.

So I turned around to the boys "move it" I mouthed, to them, which then caused then banging into each other, nocking down most of the things they needed.


So that is it for this chapter, comment if you liked, and any ideas, and this is kind of boring because it is just the movie with a few changes, but I will make it more interesting where the end part of the movie is, so I will continue the story after the losers club go their separate, ways. Also since this is a fan fiction, who should Y/N end up with?

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