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Chapter 21 -

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"Richie." Even though the constant rattling of the door handle, that Bill was most likely just jamming, was loud, the sound of a harsh whisper cut through the air like a sharp knife.

It caused me to turn around all of a sudden because the voice sounded somewhat like Eddie, and if there was a way to get to y/n and Eddie, then I'll make sure we can. Although simply walking through the door like a normal person seemed like a nice option.

I noticed that the source of the voice seemed to be coming from a room opposite to where Bill was pointlessly shoving the door.

And although it may be a bad idea, I still couldn't resist the curiosity of finding the owner of the voice. I also wanted to know how it knew my name and why it was calling it.

So I followed the voice into the room.

I then noticed a slight twitch in the room, a movement, followed by two figures running around the room as if it were a fucking game of hide and seek. This meant there was someone, or something, in that room that was calling for me.

Despite the fact that it made me somewhat jitter back slightly, I still felt the urge of interest, so I still entered the room.

"Richie, come find us." There it was again. This time, it sounded more of a feminine voice as I recognised it as y/n's with her unique pretty accent.

Once I heard both voices echo through this particular section of the house, I was even more drawn to that room, determined to find where y/n and Eddie where, and to hopefully save them before it's too late. Also for bragging reasons and any screw up situation I might have in the future, this might help my case.

After pacing into the room, and taking a look around. All I found was emptiness. There wasn't anything in the room, just some old artefacts covered with a few rags and sheets.

"Eddie, y/n?" I started getting frustrated that I had so obviously heard their voices yet they were nowhere to be seen. As I looked further into the room, all I encountered were a few creepy clown paintings, which I will admit (only to myself of course -and maybe y/n one day) that they freaked me out a little.

"Where the duck are you two? We're not playing hide and seek dipshits." Frustration was evident in my voice as I just wanted to find my friends, but it seemed like this room was a dead end.

"Richie?" Instead of a taunting whisper, Bill's voice called my name out as he lost hope on opening the door, and as I got no answer to where y/n or Eddie were, I lost hope too. With a sigh, I turned around leaving the room to go back and find a way to get out of here with Bill. He's kind of smart, he's a nerd so he probably knows a way.

Just as my strides were leading me closer to the door, my only way out of this room, the door shut, leaving a barrier between Bill and I. But what freaked me out the most was that the door had closed by itself and now I was stuck in this room alone.

A collection of 'Richie!' And 'Bill, come on, open the door''s escaped Bill and I's mouths as we clawed to the door handle again in hopes of opening this -what seemed to be invincible- door.

The lights started twitching, so the previously blue-ish tinted room started flickering to dark as the door refused to pull open.

And suddenly there was a loud thud which seemed to drain out everything else.

I slowly turned in my heels, and behind me was what could only be described as my worst nightmare.

"Oh shit." My breathing became uneven as the sight of clowns of all shapes and sizes were displayed in front of me. As if they were laid out by someone who wanted to show them off, they were all next to each other in a semi circle as they directly stared at one collective focal point. Me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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