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Chapter 16-

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I was so sure of it, it was the same fucking clown.

It was the same one I saw that day, the day that has haunted me forever, that day that has caused months of bullying and teasing, that day that has created nightmares I will never forget.

"Great, look what you've done. She's paralysed." I could hear the voice of Richie

"She's not paralysed, she's probably just scared of that freaky clown." Oh you wouldn't know the half of it.

I wasn't properly listening to Eddie and Richies argument, but rather focused on the soft touch that appeared on my shoulder.

Would it be weird if I recognised who it was, just based off of seeing their hand from the corner of my eye.

Well I knew who it was. Their soft touch calmed me, bringing me out of my state of shock.

His touch seemed to have that effect on me, like we were up in the clouds and no one else mattered, all our worries went away.

I know it was stupid, it was just one touch, but it amazed me how that one touch could be so powerful.

"Ar-are, you alr-right?" I could hear the faint voice of Bill's stutter, even though he was quiet, it drowned out the argument that had developed between the other boys.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine." I kept my voice low as I turned my head in Bill's direction. I was yet to tell him about that day, no one knew. I just thought nobody would believe me. Think I was insane, and send me off to a mental hospital. But maybe Ben would believe me, just maybe.

As I started tuning in to hear what the others were yapping on about, I was confused to say the least. Somehow the conversation topic had gotten to Eddie's mum and fungal foot cream.

I don't think I even want to know.

I walked over to the door, where I slightly closed it, creating a creaky sound from the old hinges.

As it was closing, I saw the 'New Kids On The Block' poster, and smirked remembering my little encounter with Ben at school.

The sound of the door closing caught the attention of Ben while Stanley, Eddie and Eichie were still in a heated debate about sour cream and onion crisps s taste like the fungal cream they brought up before.

I saw Ben chocking in his words, trying to tell me something, probably about how he didn't want me to tell anyone, and how embarrassed he was, but I saved him the time.

I winked at him, and put my index finger over my lips, showing him I wasn't going to tell anyone. Then with a giggle, I opened the door again, satisfied with the warm smile Ben gave me in return.

Bill's voice soon then caught all of our attention, "W-where was the well house?" He asked, standing by the window.

"I, I don't know, somewhere in town I guess?" Ben shrugged his shoulders as he continued, "why?"

"Nothing." Bill shook his head, looking over at the wall with the Missing kids posters and the picture of the well house.

I didn't really know what Bill was thinking, but what I did know is that whatever it was, is dangerous.

We continued looking around Ben's room, and I went over to the window where Eddie and Bill were now at when I saw Beverly walking over to the door.

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