f i v e

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*The plot line, characters, and most of this does NOT belong to me, most credits to Stephen King! and also I do not know ALL of the words, so it might not be exact except for most of Richies's parts because he's just plain funny.*

*Also Y/N = Your name and Y/L/N = Your last name (just in case you didn't know, and not proof read, so sorry for spelling mistakes!*

*also some strong language might be seen in this chapter!*

·Eddie's POV·

"That's poison ivy. That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy." Stan says, pointing to every single plant he see's.

"Where, where's the poison ivy!" I said worried.

"nowhere, not every plant you point to is poison ivy, shit Stanly."

"okay well.. I'm starting to get itchy and that is not good for me..." Stanly said, when Richie interrupted,

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie directly asked me

"Sometimes" I replied

"well then you probably have crabs." he joked.

"that's so not funny." i replied which was true. We were entering the sewer, well by we I mean Richie and Bill, that is grey water, there is no way i'm going in that sewer, I thought to myself.

"Arne't you guys coming in?" Richie questioned,

"U uh no that's grey water." I said in a duh tone,

"what the hell is grey water." Richie asked back.

"well it's basically piss, and shit, so i'm just telling you, your basically splashing around in millions of Darry pee." Then I see Richie pick up a stick after swishing it around in the water,

"ar-are you serious" I say,

"doesn't smell like caca to me señor." Richie jokes,

"o-okay I can smell that from here" I say

"Well that probably your breath wafting back into your face." Richie complains.

"have you ever heard of a staph infection."

"oh I'll show you a staff infection." Then Richie picks up a plastic looking bag and throws it at me with his stick.

"GUYS" Bill says over our arguing, pointing at a shoe.

"Fuck, don't tell me that's.."

"It's Betty Rimpsons."

"Shit, I don't like this."

"Well how do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one freaking shoe!" Richie tried to joke, but he failed.

"what if she's still here?" Stanley asked worried. Bill and Richie just keep walking further into the sewers.

"Eddie come on!" Richie shouts at me.

"My mum will have an aneurysm if she finds out i've been playing in here, I'm serious." I say.

"Bill" Richie questions, Bill turns around and says,

"If I were Betty Rimpson, I would want us to find her, G-G-Georgie too." Bill says.

"What If I don't want to find them, I mean no offence but I don't want any of us to end up like them. I don't want to go missing either." I say really trying hard not to sound mean. "He has a point" Stanley says out of nowhere.

"Y-y-you too?" Bill stutters.

"It's summer, we should be having fun, this is not fun, it's frightening, and disgusting." Stanley shouts. Until he was interrupted by a splash behind us. It was a kid, a boy.

"Holy shit! What happened to you?" Richie asks him. He didn't reply, so we ran to him and helped him up. He explained to us what was happening, and when he told us about Bowers, we made a run for it, because we din't want them catching up with us.


Welp that's it for this chapter, it was kind of short, but that's life. Anyways, I know nobody will read this but I'll say it anyways, leave suggestions in the comments, and I hope you enjoyed :) Se ya later alligator, and other non binary species! :)

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