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Chapter 19-
Extremely important a/n at the end!

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The light sound of our feet padding against the concrete roads. We were all walking together to Bill's house, since he wanted to show us something.

I knew it was related to the clown, or whatever 'it' is. It's all we seemed to talk about lately, but can you blame us? I mean that thing has suddenly come out of nowhere this summer, and we now think we have a lead in this thing.

It's crazy really, I kind of feel like a detective or an investigator. Also after less than a week we have found out more and made more progress than the real police.

As for how we were doing, well we hadn't really left each other's sides. Because Eddie and I lived so close together we had sleepovers, although Richie liked to call them "slumber parties." He teased us about them, but really falling asleep in Eddie's arms is my new calm.

Something about his scent and the way he wraps his arms around me, it just immediately calms me when I'm in his arms, cuddled up to him, and I assume he felt the same way. The nightmares have been kept to a minimum too for the both of us. I always woke up from my nearly nightmare-less sleep with a smile on my face.

"Okay, well we're h-h-here." Bill clears his throat, as we stood in front of Bill's garage door. We walk into the garage and help put chairs out. Mike pulls down the garage door, closing it to give us some privacy.

While I helped Eddie set up the projector, Eddie kept staring at me for an unknown reason, it made blood run up to my checks, yet I didn't know why.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, with a teasing smile on my face as he glanced back down, his own checks turning a crimson red after I caught him staring.

"Only something beautiful." Eddie replied.

I suddenly felt embarrassed at Eddie's words. He wasn't looking at me. So I whipped my head behind me and looked for what Eddie could have been looking at but found nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe his mother got him fascinated by a drape of a blanket. That woman was full of all sorts of things these days.

I eventually just decided to let it slide as Bill and finished putting the parer up on the wall. I noticed he kept glancing at me everyone once in a while. What was wrong with me? Did I have something on my face?

I sat down next to Eddie as Bill put a slide into the projector that I noticed was ladled "Old Derry". I assumed it was Ben's, because he seemed to be fully loaded with all this research about Derry.

I assumed "old Derry" must be twenty seven years ago Derry. We figured out that the amount of children that had been reported as missing increased dramatically every twenty seven years. And it just so happens that the year 1989, fell on that pattern.

"Look. That's where G-G-Georgie disappeared." Bill says pointing at the blueprint, there was a circle marked with an 'x' in the middle with the words "storm drain" sprawled out underneath in Bill's oddly messy yet cute handwriting. "there's the Ironworks and The Black Spot. Everywhere it happens it's-it's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up-"

I looked around the blueprint map of the small town we lived in called Derry. All around the town were these 'x marks the spot' doodles, and Bill was right. They all lined up to the sewer system perfectly.

This brought me back to that rainy day.

I saw a desperate hound child in need of help.

Although I never caught a glimpse of his face, I knew he looked so vulnerable.

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