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Chapter 2-


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After the long attempt of at least attempting to scrub all the filthy garbage and rubbish that had been poured on me like a heavy flowing waterfall, I cleared the bathroom stall of any evidence that the previous incident even happened.

You see, in this school, nobody gives two shits, let alone one. So what do you think the headmaster would think upon seeing a messy bathroom and a couple of girls. 'It's just a little girl-fight, they'll get over it when the month is over.' The principal was a bastard-ish wanker to put it simply.

I wasn't quite sure why he was, firstly, employed to begin with, and secondly, why he chose to be a teacher, well, head teacher, when he clearly had no interest in the job and was terrible at it. Although, one thing I knew for sure, was as soon as I heard the heavy footsteps of Greta and her army leaving the bathroom, was that I wanted to get the hell out of this school as soon as I possibly could.

So I did. Without hesitation, I exited the bathroom stall, making sure to wash my hands and soak my hair slightly, at the minimum to get some of the smell out of my hair. What makes them so smelly amazes me, like what do the students have to put in the bin to make it so horribly stenchy.

Subsequent to wringing out my hair, freeing the strands of hair from being suffocated by water, I headed out into the corridors of the school where the students were flooding out of classes, all simultaneously heading to the two doors to freedom.

With my headphones practically pierced in my ears, the music creating ringing melodies in my head as I hummed along to the tunes of a 'New Kids On The Block' song. The feeling of another body suddenly pressed against mine, and even though it didn't, it felt like the sound waves of the melodic music had been dramatically shut off.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Guilt immediately took over my body like a fast spreading virus. He had dropped what had previously been held in his hand - what looked like a school project (which I'll admit looked a little broken) and his bicycle.

My severe social anxiety was shown in full and beat my intentions as I looked around my surroundings, making sure nobody was laughing hysterically at the little yet impactful collision.

That's when I saw her. Beverly Marsh was her name. We hadn't had too many conversations, interactions or meet ups, however the ones that resurface to memory, aren't particularly pleasant memories received from my side.

Apparently Beverly had also been picked on by Greta, so we had that in common, however that's where they come to an end. I assume that because Greta picked on Beverly, that she had become self conscious so she resorted to being mean to me to boost herself up.

I didn't really understand it, I never gave this girl a reason to not like me, or at least not a worthwhile one that comes to mind. As long as I try staying out of her way, she never makes an effort to get in mine, which I respect and appreciate in an odd way.

Anyways, she was walking in the opposite direction of Ben and I's location, as if she was just walking away from here.

"Oh, that's okay, don't be sorry that wasn't your fault. I take responsibility too, I mean by the laws of physics, when two moving objects experience forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction-" Ben began to ramble, going into excruciating detail on physics, a topic I didn't have a particular burning passion about.

In fact, whilst the science team demanded better science equipment, complaining they didn't have enough microscopes, or the incident where Miss Miller's hair came alight once it reacted with the chemicals I could tell Ben pricounce and the Bunsen burner, I was silently having a one-person-protest on how physics should become demoted to not even being included as a science. Now some could call this bullying, however it was a subject in school not a chubby kid in high school.

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