n i n e

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*The plot line, characters, and most of this chapter does belong to me*

·Your POV·

I left the boys after Bill asked me to meet up with the boys at the quarry. All I could really think about was if Ben was okay! He looked really hurt. So I just walked home to arrive at the house we moved into. I was starting to get used to the house. It had a bigger garden which was amazing because I had a Pygmy Goat called Garry and Hazel, my pet hedgehog. When I arrived home I checked if my mum was home.

"Hello!" I shouted but not too loudly. No response came. So I knew I was home alone. Which I was fine with because I knew that my older brother was looking for a job and going to job interviews. And my mum was also at work because ever since we left my dad, we lost a lot of money because my dad was the one who supplied us money. So now we are struggling. I also now dog walk some of the neighbours dogs when I can to earn a few extra coins or a little bit of money. I decided to take a shower since it was so hot today and I was kind of sweaty. But mostly because I was not bothered and I was too lazy to have one later.

I walked to the bathroom and got my towel and the clothes I was going to wear after the shower ready. I them went to the sink/basin to brush my hair before I went in the shower. I did this because my hair was knotty and I wanted my hair to be straight in the shower so it will be properly washed.

As I was brushing my hair I was looking in the mirror and I saw a silvery and dark shadow pass through the kitchen. Again I called out to see if anybody was here.

"Hello! Who is there!" No answer again. So I decided to ignore it. Then as I was about to undress and therefore close the door, even though no one was home, I saw that shadowy figure again. This time I decided to not call out. So what I did was I left the room and crawled over to the kitchen as quietly as possible. When I reached the corner to where the entrance to the kitchen was. I peeked over the corner. What I saw shocked me!

I saw my dad. How! How was he here he is 17 hours across the world. The next thing I new I saw him turn around, and he stared me in the eye. Oops I'm guessing that he heard me gasp. Okay if I thought seeing my dad was crazy,the next thing I saw really shocked me. I saw a clown. I recognise that clown somehow. Weird I know. But you won't guess what he did. Wait who am I kidding I'm talking to myself as a clown is snaking towards me. He was my dad but transformed into a clown? I don't know. The thing is that is all I remember because my dad really scared me so I fainted.

When I woke up I was locked in the bathroom. All of my clothes on?! They are okay. So I woke up and I heard something coming from the bathtub. It was a call for help. ( if anybody is thinking about Avicii's song S.O.S R.I.P)

I walked over to the bathtub, I looked into the hole of the bath is. All I saw was water. After a few seconds I heard the voice again. The voice sounded like... my voice but a little younger.Then the voice spoke again but this time the voice told me to come closer I did what the voice said even if that sounds like a stupid idea but I did it anyway. As I got felt like the life was getting sucked out of me.

Again I think I fainted because again black surroundings and numb feelings. When I had reawaken I could feel I was drowning in water! OMG AM I GOING TO DIE!

Just a filler I have a massive phobia of drowning, not swimming but drowning. Anyway so I was definitely drowning! I couldn't breathe, there was no end to this water it was like a massive well that I was in the bottom of which was also filled with water. And so the whole place went pitch black again.


PLEASE READ THIS !!!! (sorry to be annoying but it's important)

And that is it for this chapter part 1, so sorry it was short but the next chapter will hopefully make up for it!

I have three ideas where this cold go, since this is just the movie with some different changes and I am going to continue after the movie. So my idea was to end up with Bill happily ever after (I wrote this a while ago so don't judge me) but I had another idea when you ended up with Bill, and Ben got jealous that sort of thing. And I also had another idea about being with Bill, but then he cheats on you with Beverly and you end up with Eddie or Richie or someone else. So please leave suggestions in the comments on what you want to happen.

I hope you enjoyed :) Se ya later alligator, and other non binary species! :) And I don't want to be annoying and all but thank you for 3 votes OMG and nearly 100 views !!!!! OMG THIS IS SUPER AMAZE BALLS THANK YOU SO MUCH! Honestly I never thought this would get any view in the first place I just like writing, so thank you so much. BYEEEEE!!!!

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