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Chapter 1 -

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I was new in the small town called Derry.

It was the classic story of 'Mum wanted to move to get over fathers death." Although it seemed like it was hard to get over, it really wasn't. My dad was abusive to me, he was a horrible person.

Most of the time he was under the influence of alcohol or some kind of drug that he'd just spent my college fund on.

Nobody really knew about it, I always wanted to stay strong for my mum. She's had a tough life. Before losing my dad, even before I was born, my parents were told my mother would never get the chance to liver her dream and have the children she wanted.

She was told she was infertile, and from I've been told, that ruined her. So when she finally got pregnant, she was over the moon.

After the first few months of pregnancy, the doctors told her the baby was unhealthy, so she went to see another doctor, to confirm the opinion.

However, the second doctor was a private doctor, and they said the baby was completely healthy, so my parents trusted that opinion more because the doctor was said to have more experience.

Then the day came. The day Mum went into labour, it was apparently a long process and her baby boy was 'being stubborn' by not coming out fast. I never asked for the details of this story, because it's kind of gross.

Anyways, so when she was finally able to hold her baby boy, my mother was overwhelmed but in a good way. Her dreams have come true, she was told it wouldn't happen, but she beat the odds.

After the first few minutes of holding her newborn son, his heart monitor started going off. He was rushed off away from his mother.

And let's just say, that was the last time she ever saw him.

It broke near heart, her baby boy had died in her arms, and there essentially wasn't anything she could do.

So after that, my mother started to get into alcohol and eventually got admitted to rehab. This didn't sit well with my father, so they started fighting.

A couple years down the line, my brother was born, this time no problem was created. My mum was out of rehab, my parents had stopped fighting. All was good.

Then nearly four years later, I was born.

Yeah, unfertile my ass.

I was always told I was a miracle baby. So was my brother. After that my mother went down to a dark place again, I'm not one hundred percent sure what caused it, but my father always blamed me.

That's what started the harassing. I was only seven. It lasted for years. I went to the police and the hospital with it but nobody would believe a seven year old girl over a father who apparently had a billion excuses for my injuries.

I heard it all, from 'she fell during football practice' to 'the dog bit her when he was trying to get to the homework', I mean come on. Some of them were just stupid.

So, after father passed, I wasn't the saddest at the funeral let's say. My mother couldn't bear the thought of anything that reminded her of my father, which apparently was everything.

So we moved. To Derry.

I don't particularly know why my mother chose Derry, but I didn't argue. I hated my life back there, I was glad to start fresh.

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