f o u r

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*The plot line, characters, and most of this does NOT belong to me, most credits to Stephen King! and also I do not know ALL of the words, so it might not be exact except for most of Richies's parts because he's just plain funny.*

*Also Y/N = Your name and Y/L/N = Your last name (just in case you didn't know, and not proof read, so sorry for spelling mistakes!*

·3rd Person View·

Bill, Eddie and Richie were in Eddie's house, preparing to go in the sewers, to search for Georgie. When Eddie started a convocation.

" Hey, first you said the barrens, and now you say the sewers, what if we get caught?" Eddie said.

"We won't Ed's, th-the sewers are open to the p-public, we are the pub-public aren't-t we?" Bill stuttered back. As that was happening, Richie was looking for snacks, and opened another cupboard,

"Hey these birth control pills" Richie laughed out,

"Yeah and I'm saving them for your sister, this is private stuff." Eddie returned the joke. As the three were heading out, Eddie's mum stopped by and told Eddie

"Hey sweetheart did you forget something" Mrs K asked Eddie. Eddie walked over to his mum and kissed her on the cheek, and sighed, and Richie was just chuckling trying not to laugh in the background,

"Hey do you want one from me to Mrs K" Richie blurted out, Then Eddie, just pushed his other two friends out of the house frustrated

"no no no, mum sorry mummy." Then they biked out of Eddie's house heading towards the sewers, just in the right timing to because Stanley had just finished practicing his speech.

Whilst this was happening Ben was at the library.

·Bens POV·

I was in the library, because that is where I always hang out, I don't really have any friends, so yeah. Anyways, I am just writing Y/N a love poem, because she is soooooo amazing.

"Your hair is a winter fire, her January embers, my heart burns there too." I mutter to my self. I look out the window, and thee the group of boys who call them selves the losers club, but they aren't losers to me, I'm the loser, I just wish I had friends like they have each other. Then the librarian slams the book on the table, which I must admit shocked me a little.

"Found it, isn't it summer holiday's, I'd think that you'd be ready to take a break from the book." She says.

"I like it here" I shortly reply.

"A boy should be spending his summer outside with friends." She said in a concerned voice. Then she just had to ask this question,

"don't you have any friends?" she asked, then I just said,

"can I have the book now?" I looked through the book, at interesting events, and so forth. As I see a picture of a tree, and on each page, is the same tree, and as I keep turning each page, I see a boys head in the tree! I immediately slam the book shut, and turn around and see a red balloon floating across the library, just there, I follow it. It leads to a trail of eggs, which I follow again, like a treasure hunt, man I hate treasure hunts. Then the lights start to flicker, and I see a human figure, walking. I just stay there until, I see another figure by the steps this time, I turn back and hide behind a post. When the figure continues to walk down the stairs, I see it has no head!!

I freak out, in my head and decide to make a run for it, as the figure is chasing after me I keep running, when I look back the figure has a clown head! I run faster, and when I look back and turn my head, I bump into the librarian. I hear a noise, so I just rush up the stairs, heading out of the library as fast as I could, leaving the librarian clueless of what had just happened.

As I was rushing out of school, I headed down the steps, and walked to the left, still with the love letter I wrote for Y/N in my hand. As I continued to walk I heard Henry Bowers say

"New guy where the hell do you think your going?" Henry said from behind me. I just start to run, until his gang grab me and forced me and took me to a street near the forest, lake and sewers. I just shout things at him like

"leave me alone!"

"Stop it!" I shout hoping for him to let me go, but I know it's no use. Then he pushes me up against a fence they all start pulling my t-shirt above my head, and doing things to me like slapping me. Then they pulled my shirt back down and Patrick Hockstetter did this stupid thing with fire. All I remember from that point on is getting punched in the face and nose, then calling for help desperately. Henry then carves a H into my stomach, and then I think, enough is enough, kick his body which causes me to break the fence, and I make a run for it, I lose them, just barely though. And I run into the lake where the sewers are, and by my surprise I see 4 of the members of the losers club.


So that's it for this chapter, I missed out some things, sorry for that, but anyways, this was an longish chapter and also, leave suggestions in the comments, because i'm just following the movie, nothing really creative, just like me ;-;

Also sorry that your not really in the story so far! But I am making this fan fiction longer then the actual movie, so just you wait, but for now se ya later alligator and non binary species. ! :)

... Yeah I think that'll be my new outro from now on,

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