t e n

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*The plot line, characters, and most of this chapter belongs to me, but most credits to Stephen King!*Also Y/N = Your name (just in case you didn't know, and not proof read, so sorry for spelling mistakes!*


OMG AM I GOING TO DIE, Just a filler I have a massive phobia of drowning, not swimming but drowning.  Anyway so  was definitely drowning! I couldn't breathe, there was no end to this water it was like a massive well that I was in the bottom of which was also filled with water. And so the hole whole place went pitch black again.

·Your POV·

The next thing I knew except from the pitch blackness around me was a towel or a tarp around me! OMG NO why this is my worst nightmare but in real life. So I am losing my mind, bare in mind I am also drowning. So yeah that is happening.

I don't think that I can breathe any much longer, I know at this point I am going to die. Well at least it is kinda a cool way to die. So I officially can't breathe any longer and again pitch black. Instead of never waking up or however people die, I was in my bathroom. Not a single drop of water on me! But there is a huge pain on my neck. So I turn around and since my hair was pretty short, I didn't need it to move out of my view.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw a huge cut and a scar on my neck! And when I say huge I mean HUGE nearly the size of my whole backside of my neck! I started to panic but then I saw the reflection of my mums anti ageing hair cream on the sink/basin' s table thing. I remember my mum telling me not to use it because if people under 35 use it, their hair changes colour ( a little bit) and their hair grows really fast. So using my quick thinking skills, I used it before my mum got back to cover my scars and cuts on my neck.

Great in a few days I said I would meet Ben and his friends. I hope they don't mind the change?! Wait I don't like the word great, it reminds me too much of Greta!

Okay so I just woke up after a rough night of sleep and I can already see my hair! And it's colour! My hair is now more red, and it is the the length past my shoulder blades! Well this will be interesting.


PLEASE READ THIS !!!! (sorry to be annoying but it is important!)

And that is it for this chapter part 2, so sorry it was very short and just a filler. But the next chapter will hopefully make up for it!

I have three ideas where this cold go, since this is just the movie with some different changes and I am going to continue after the movie. So my idea was to end up with Bill happily, but I had another idea when you ended up with Bill, and Ben got jealous that sort of thing. And I also had another idea about being with Bill, but then he cheats on you with Beverly and you end up with Eddie or Richie or someone else and he begs to come back to you. So please leave suggestions in the comments on what you want to happen. Or it might not be perfect a fan fiction, and I don't want to displease you guys!

I hope you enjoyed :) sorry it's been a white since I uploaded so I hope since I am making two chapters in one day will make up for it. This is a double update so hope that makes us good 🙂 But because of this I have studies and a trip I am going to which there is no internet, so please don't hate. Any ways see ya later alligator, 🐊 and other non binary species! :) 🐸 🌵 And I don't want to be annoying and all but thank you for 4 votes OMG and over 100 views ! WOW THIS IS SUPER AMAZE BALLS THANK YOU SO MUCH! See ya BYEEEEE!!!! 🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵

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