t h r e e

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*Strong language coming up*

*The plot line, characters, and most of this does NOT belong to me, most credits to Stephen King! and also I do not know ALL of the words, so it might not be exact except for most of Richies's parts because he's just plain funny.*

*Also Y/N = Your name (just in case you didn't know, and not proof read, so sorry for spelling mistakes!*

-Bill's POV-

"He th-thrusts his fists ag-against the p-p-posts, but still ins-s-insists he s-s-see's the ghost."

"He th-thrusts his fists ag-against the p-p-p-p-p-p. Ah shit-"

I pull up to my house to see my dad in the garage.

"Do you need help" I ask trying to distract him from the model I built of the sewers, which he clearly didn't want me to build.

"I thought we agreed..." He said in a strict voice. I glance over at my model and try to explain.

"before you say anything, just let me sh-sh-show you something first. " I ramble trying not to stutter. I pick up the action figure, put it down the tube, and add hose water, in the model, as the action figure gets floated down to the barrens, area I built.

"The barrens, i-i-it's the only place tha-that-that Georgie could have..." I say but he cuts me off by saying

"He's gone." in a sturn voice. "But if the storm swept Georgie in then he should have..." I argue.

"HE'S GONE, HES DEAD, HES DEAD. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO. NOTHING." He shouts. "Now take this down before your mother see's it. And next time you want to take something from my office, ask." He kind of shouts, then I just talk to Georgie's hamster and stay there shocked.


So that's it for this chapter, and I'm skipping Mikes and Stanley's, encounter with pennywise, because i'm lazy, and yeah, so se ya later, alligators, and if your another species, then... bye as well :) !

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