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Chapter 17-

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Droplets of water falling in my sketchbook were what awoke me from my sleep. The liquid, causing the red of the pencil to trickle down the page like a raindrop on a window on a rainy day.

Not many people knew about my love for drawing, I didn't particularly yell it from the rooftops I suppose. I found it therapeutic. Ever since Georgie went missing, I used it as sort of a coping mechanism. It helped me.

Flipping through the pages, you could see the multiple drawings of Georgie and our family. I tend to draw the simple times, the moments when I was happy. Or simply just my loved ones.

That's why I got sad that the red trickling down the image looked like a red tear rolling down y/n's cheek. She had found her way into quite a few of my recent drawing, much like how she had found a way into my heart too.

But what alarmed me was the cause of the droplets of what I assumed was water falling from my ceiling. It wasn't too common for this house to get leaks, so I was questioning that.

I lifted the sheets off my legs and headed to the back of my wardrobe where the junket was stored.

That's when things started to get creepy. As I turned around I heard and saw a light turn on. Unless my mother or father woke up in the middle of the night, then I don't know who turned that light on. Maybe it was Georgie, who finally found his way back home.

I slowly and cautiously walked over to the room where the light was emitting from. Georgie's old room. I made sure that as my feet padded on the floorboards, I was quiet, not wanting to wake my parents once I established they were not the cause of the light.

Although when I entered the room, it was completely empty. Well empty in terms of nothing abnormal, it was all the same. Nothing had changed since the day he left in his yellow raincoat to play with his paper bait in the rain.

I approached his bed-side table and took his Lego made title in my hands, and just simply observed it. I sat down on his bed and felt the blocky edges of the turtle Georgie used to love as if it were his pet.

My breathing started to get heavier as the memories started flooding through my mind.

Once when Georgie's turtle was dropped off a coffee table by Dad, and was shattered into pieces, Georgie made us all attend Mr Shelly's funeral in our backyard. However after only a week of Mr Shelly being 'gone' Georgie decided he couldn't stand it, so he dug up the cardboard shoe box, and he and I spent a solid hour rebuilding it.

A short sniffle left my body as I thought about the situation I was in now, I wish I could have that option, the option of finding Georgie in our backyard. I wish it was as simple as that. But of course, like with most things, it wasn't that simple.

I was distracted from my thoughts by the sound of clashing down the hall. I turned my head to look at what caused the nose, but was met with nothing but darkness.

Again, my curiosity wanted to know what the noise became from, so follow it with my ears, taking me down stairs.

I let out a shriek and a gasp as I turned the corner and saw the sight in front of me.

It was Georgie, he was giggling as he was running around the kitchen table. He was wearing his tills yellow raincoat and his tall red boots.

The sound of the Lego turtle shattering on the ground as I dropped it to the ground from shock seemed like an ear piercing screech in my ears. But I couldn't focus on that, I could only focus on my little brother running around our kitchen table.

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