(23) "Deserve to be Punished"

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Posted a story on ao3 that'll be full of shorts with stories with a lot of non-con and all-around just characters being forced by other characters to do seggsual things. I understand that Wattpad isn't for that and so my new story'll be on there. My @ on there if you're interested is signatureessencee.

Daniel and I parted ways as soon as we exited the room. He spent his time doing god knows what and I spent my time wondering where Darlah had been. Had she finally run away? No one had wondered about her all day. Had she become that irrelevant in our lives now that Daniel was only focused on me and Dean? I wondered what it'd be like if Dean had decided to love Darlah. She'd never torture him in attempt to help him. Actually, it would've never even gotten to this point because she would've never run away. And maybe... just maybe... Daniel wouldn't have ever come into our lives. The double-d's. Yeah, they deserved each other.

I make myself eat something as I hadn't since yesterday morning and I'd thrown it all up anyway. It was light but just enough. I see Daniel approaching as I finished up.

"Here are the keys to free Dean. Go on." He tosses them my way and like a cat, I catch it without thinking twice. My effortless catch doesn't mean my mood was equally matched. I was very tense, afraid. I didn't think much about when we'd free him. I didn't think that I was the one who would have to do it.

"You want me to go alone? He's mad at me... I might need your help." I say feeling the weight of the keys in my hand seem heavier and heavier. I remembered that Dean had promised to hurt me. But he loved me right? How much could he mean that?

  "Not my problem. You make choices, you deal with the consequences. You decided you were going to go through with it to prove you liked me more than him. If Dean's as soft as you say, this should be a piece of cake." Daniel smirks walking into the kitchen and over to the refrigerator. His tone of voice irritates me to no end. He was being such an aśshole!

"Wait so you aren't going to help me? I did this for you!"I say still in disbelief. Mostly my heart was racing from the idea of facing him. Especially alone. I didn't feel protected by Daniel did I? No, of course not. He was the one I needed to be protected from. But I did know that if I was doing something for Daniel, he'd be there along the way to make sure things were okay.

"You make me laugh.  You did it for you because you thought that would what? Make me go easy on you?" He snickers and suddenly I understand. He knew all along I had ulterior motives, he was toying with me. But he hadn't guessed correctly. "N-no. I did it because I respect you more. I did it to prove that to you." The words sounded like bullshít. Who the hell was I fooling? He already knew. Fück.

"You did it for your own personal gain. I'm not stupid. One moment you were defending him, the next moment you think he's soft and you like me best? Puh-lease, give me a break." He fakes a yawn leaning back against my kitchen counter. I kind of liked that we were stalling. My stomach hurt terribly as it knew what I'd ultimately have to do.

"So if you feel that way why'd you make me do that to him?" I start to feel betrayed, but why? I can't say I'd ever trusted Daniel but I thought he'd believed me. I thought he'd 'be on my side'. The fact that he never was made me feel more alone than ever.

" I wanted to show you that you couldn't pull one over on me. I wanted to teach you a lesson. I'll tell you something though." he pauses thoughtfully but already my stomach churned. He had to be angry and I truly feared for when he'd let that anger go, "If you go now rather than later, he will definitely go easier on you. That's common sense though, isn't it? Now carry on." he shoos me and feeling helpless, I go. My feet seem to move an inch an hour but eventually, I'm up the steps and soon I'm in the room where Dean is glaring angrily at the wall.

"I'm here to free you." I dangle the keys but I knew nothing good could come from freeing him. It was so embarrassing that I'd do that to him. It was even more embarrassing that it was all in vain. I felt so stupid. He doesn't look at me, "If you do there's no telling what I'd do. You sure you want to do that?" He sounds just as evil and empty as he did around the time when I first met him. Like all he wanted to do was hurt me. Like he didn't mind it.

"Please, I love you, Dean. You're going to have to understand that I did what I did for you!" I shut the door and hesitantly got closer. I knew that once I got up to him he still wouldn't be able to hurt me. But that didn't make me less afraid.

"I don't understand anything actually. Not the fact that I've been cuffed to this bed for hours, not the fact that you thought it'd be a good idea to make me beg you for anything, and definitely not the fact that you made my and your râpist watch in a corner and touch himself to it. Do you know how dirty that made me feel? If I weren't dead already I'd fücking kill myself." he yells except he wasn't really yelling. He really just sounded drained and upset. It was reasonable. Everything he was saying was valid. I should've never done this to him without his permission. I should've never let him feel powerless in front of Daniel. Hadn't he felt enough of that? God, I never think.

"I deserve to be punished until you're satisfied. I get that. What I did was unforgivable and -"

"Tell me why you did it." He still can't stand to look at me. Feeling rightfully cut off I readjust my train of thought to answer his fair question. Could I tell him even now? What if he blows up and tells Daniel? Then I'd really be in deep shít and there was definitely never any hope for finding out then. I walk over to him and pause at his side, still unable to make him do anything but glare straight ahead of him. I tried to hold back from letting him go before I could explain. Maybe then he'd go easier on me, even if I thought I didn't deserve that. I decide to tell him, bringing my voice down to a tone barely above a whisper.

"I did it because earlier this morning Daniel put some spell on this room when he was in my bathroom so that if you'd noticed, you wouldn't be able to get in our room and I couldn't get out. He also told me he put that same spell on the house. I thought that if I sucked up to him I could figure out how to get you into a new body since he clearly knows magic-"

"Hold on. Did he touch you?" He looks at me for the first time and I'd never been gladder. I was touched and a bit relieved at his change of expression and change of voice. If he was going to be angry, it wasn't going to be at me anymore. But I couldn't have him too angry at Daniel. We could probably work together now.

"He made me sùck him off. He said that he told you he'd let me heal up and I guess he did, but him using the parts of me that he hadn't hurt last night didn't count I guess. He's tricky with words, we have to be more careful with him." I fake a laugh wondering why Daniel was such a trickster. He hurt people, he made deals that came with awful prices, and he manipulated his words so that he could still be truthful while deceiving people. There had to be a special place in hell for people like him.

"Fück I fücking hate him. I need to be human so I can beat the life out of him outside and then kill him. Slowly. Please continue." Dean prods me on after his bout of anger. It was so sexy. Dean was so séxy. I still couldn't believe I did what I did earlier. "That's the reason you can't get out of the cuffs. He knows spells or something. I know that if he can do all of this as well as turn himself into a new person he'd tell me how to get you human. But I had to get him to trust me first. And I'm sorry that I thought this attempt out so poorly." I sigh. Dean seems to clench his jaw and get angry all over again but he exhales and calms down,
"I wish you'd told me. I could've helped you come up with something better. And I will. Just let me go now." he forces a laugh and motions to his cuffs. I go to unlock each of his wrists and then he turns ghost to get out of the feet ties before turning human again. For some reason I still expect him to stand up and smack me or something. But he doesn't. He just wraps his arms around me and my arms return the favor as he leans into my ear, "I think I still have to punish you for this though, you cool with that?" His voice is soft and I've never felt more connected with Dean than I did now.

"Yes, Daddy."

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