(21) "Edge"

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This chapter was finished before I started the next one. I wanted to finish both and get two out but I'm having major writer's block so I'm going to try and get the next chapter out before the new year. Good riddance 2020 you piece of shit =) Sorry if the writing is bad or weird, I've temporarily lost my essence.Get it?

I found myself alone in the bed I'd fallen asleep in beside Dean last night. I didn't know how long I'd been asleep since then but it didn't feel very long. Still, I could feel the emptiness of the bed before I opened my eyes. Dean was gone. And I knew why. I got up and went over to my bathroom eager to get rid of every trace of Daniel there was on me.

I close the door behind me but something immediately felt off. And then I noticed it. A shirtless Daniel combing his hair in the mirror at the end of my bathroom. My heart sank to my stomach upon laying eyes on him. I knew that feeling would never go away. With his back facing me I think to make a run for it. After all, he was taking up most of the mirror. He wouldn't see me. Just as I turn to run though, he speaks to me.

"I don't know who I like more. You or Dean. Fùck you both feel so fücking nice around me, know what's funny though? Dean the dom handles it better than you." Dean chuckles and his face immediately falls into a straight one with a smirk. It was appalling to be objectified this way and what was even more? He was trying to de-dom Dean. No matter what he put Dean through I think that Dean was an amazing dom.

I'm silently staring at him until I remember the teeth threat, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know there was somebody in here." I reach for the doorknob and twist but I'm stopped by a hand he throws up in kind of a 'shrug' kind of way. Why was he in here? There's another bathroom in the hall outside of my bedroom and he'd come to mine?

  "By all means. Go ahead."  He smirks and doesn't seem to make the slightest movement to stop me. So hell yeah, I did go ahead. I opened the door and closed it gently deciding that I wouldn't be in this room when Daniel got back. I ran to my main door and twisted it but it was locked. Okay. I turned the lock and still, the knob would not twist. That's when I heard his voice come out of the bathroom.

   "Dean can't get in, you can't get out.  His ghost form can't even go through these walls." Daniel says carelessly. It is against my intuition to turn around, but I do it anyway. And Daniel who'd had clothes on before now had nothing. Nothing but a hard-on. I had so many questions. Wtf was wrong with the room that ghost Dean couldn't even get in? And why was he naked as if he hadn't promised Dean that I could heal up?!

"Why can't he?! And why don't you want him to?" I back up into the door but he only gets closer and closer. His face seemed so evil, I was unsure of how anyone could have such a beautiful-evil face. I try to imagine that I was dreaming this but there was something that felt different between a dream and real life. And I definitely wasn't dreaming.

"The walls are protected with a barricade, one similar to the one around the house. But don't worry I'll take the wall one off soon as we're done here. As for why I don't want him in here? Because I haven't ever really gotten to be alone with you, sweetheart." He steps closer to me as he stroked himself. It made me physically sick and I wondered if I'd throw up. I didn't want to think of it. The last time I did he had me thrown into his trunk. Hold it together Sarah. I tried to think about how he could do that to the walls. And if he'd done it to the house, that means it's been done for years. How the fùck did he do that?

"Dean told me that you were going to leave me alone." I feel my hands begin to shake so I hide them behind my back so that Daniel wouldn't see. I didn't want to show him just how scared of him I was because facially, I was doing a fantastic job at acting.

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