(30) "There is No Next Time, Bitch"

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So sorry for the wait... I'll be surprised if there's anyone here to read this story anymore. So very sorry guysss. Love you all so much and hope to be consistent now.

As we walk Darlah pipes up, "I'd hate to intrude. I'll stay down here." Was she insane?
"A break from this guy couldn't hurt you." Dean mumbles under his breath but Darlah stops walking which causes me and Dean to stop too. "I said I'll stay down here" she shrugs out of his grip and leans against the doorframe of the kitchen, I reach for her arm but Dean catches my hand, "Leave it alone." He tells me. I wonder why he'd given up so easily but I'm sure he had a reason for it.

We leave her alone and head upstairs to my room, closing and locking the door. I expected to have more to say but everything I could think of was related to Kaden. Like why he needed our help or truly wanted to kill Daniel. It didn't make sense.

"Where do you say we go once I'm mobile?" He grins but the grin doesn't seem all that genuine. I can see the nerves he feels. I wonder if he saw how nervous I was. I mean... me and Dean... outside? Together? It didn't seem like real life.

"Any and everywhere. I know you're nervous. I am too." I dry laugh looking around the room. It almost felt like the last time we'd be in here together. Once the pizza guy came that was it. Everything was gonna change.

He says a simple "Not for the same reason. Not for the same reason." So what was it? "About me killing the pizza guy? About Daniel coming back? What?" I take his hand and look into his eyes. If I was honest I was nervous about those things too. I didn't even know how to kill someone. And I especially didn't know how I'd help kill Daniel. But after all he'd done, he deserved for it to be me and Dean doing it.

"Kaden. I'm not sure Kaden has this all covered. Who's to say he'll properly kill Daniel? Who's to say Daniel won't get to kill us before the plan is executed?" He brings up valid points. A spell that killed demons for good? How could that work?

  "Don't think about it. Daniel won't kill us, okay? We've made it this far." I say half believing it myself. If we were caught we were doomed. If we fûcked up we were doomed. I guess the only option was to execute everything perfectly, no room for mistakes.

We spend a few moments—maybe minutes—just looking at each other stupidly. Neither of us knew what to say, we were too focused on what was to come. A pizza guy would be here in a while and I had to kill him. I had to take my hand and use it to end his life. I had to stab him—maybe repeatedly—and feel the pressure of each stab, knowing with each that I was hurting him more and more. How could I do such a thing? I felt hellbound just thinking about it. That's it, stop thinking about it.

I speak suddenly to distract myself from my thoughts, "Didn't Kaden hurt you too? You know the way Dan-"

"Yeah, while we're on it though... I know there's much to gain from all of this, freedom for me, revenge for me, but don't forget... you were hurt too. This is for you too. You are getting justice today as well... well some justice." He tries to remind me as if to... I'm not sure... shift some of my motivation for doing this off of him. I nod my head,

"That's actually bringing me to my next point. After we kill Daniel, we have to kill Kaden. What he's done and said today doesn't change what he's done and said every day before today. Kaden needs to die." I declare almost instantly seeing red in my head. I remembered how Kaden talked to me, how he treated me and Darlah, how he tried to kidnap us both...initially. I remember how he got his hands on us anyway. I remembered all of it, and after today I would still remember it. Kaden couldn't be around in the future when I did.

"It's not wise to be plotting against me." I hear a voice outside the door as it began to twist open, my heart dropped. I glanced to Dean and he looked as shocked as I was—- at least in his eyes, " We're a team, we need to act like one if we want to succeed. Taking out a good man? For shame. Maybe you're the evil one. No one truly void of sinful nature would plan to murder three people in one day. " He speaks without pause and I stay completely still as if he couldn't see me if I did. The man just caught me plotting against him! It wouldn't be stupid to assume that he was now going to plot against me too. My heart beats madly as I stare at him like a deer in headlights, knowing what this man was truly capable of no matter what act he put up.

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