(9) "Fifteen"

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"So, what? You trust Darlah so much as to let her handle our food?" I examine outside of the window wondering if she'd even return. Dean'd decided to keep her here,not with much struggle, in order to prevent her from telling anybody what he did, but I knew that was a lie. Dean didn't care. He couldn't get in trouble for anything. It was clear that he kept her around since that faithful day three days ago because he enjoyed how sexually eager she was, and how much she sexually pleased him. She was way more carefree when it came to the things he was into. She knew what to say, she knew just how to say it, and she knew the way she had to move. I could tell by a glint in his eye whenever she spoke dirty to him that he wanted to take her right there, even with his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't have her around any longer. I had a plan.

"Babe, you know it isn't like that. I just know for sure she'll come back. I can't say the same for you." He says nonchalantly, biting a piece of buttered toast. I just hoped so badly that she'd get hit by a bus or something and lose memory of Dean.

"So you get to call me babe, but you won't allow me fresh fùcking air?" I ask rhetorically with such a powerful eye roll that I swear it'd cause an earthquake or something. He looks taken aback by my tone with him. But I didn't know who the fùck he thought he was that he thought he needed to be spoken to in a certain manner.

"Babe." He warns, tossing the toast onto the plate, throwing both of his hands onto the table like he'd stand up. I was unphased by these movements. Seems like he hasn't gotten the memo.

"No, you make me miserable." I decide making my way away from the table and up to my room. I couldn't exactly sneak out unless I knew for certain that he was occupied because of his ability to turn invisible and spy on me. Anyway, that wasn't my plan.

I hear him push out his chair, and I know quickly that he's following me. The hairs on the back of my neck raised, as part of me never knew how he'd respond. Either understandingly, or angrily. But I didn't hope either, as my goal was to upset him, but not to the point he'd hurt me. As long as Darlah was around, I felt no feelings sexually with him. I didn't know why.

"You sure you making the right choice?" He asks seriously as he follows me. I don't think I am. I don't think I'm not.

"Well, it's not a lie. I just wish Darlah would get back so you could get the fùck out of my face and fùck her into the night." It was breakfast. How oh so dramatic of me.

"Sarah, love, what do you want from me? Hmm? What can I do to fix this." He follows me into my room as I sit in the corner's chair. I can tell he's insinuating something dirty. Still, to my plan I stick.

"I want to go outside. Take a leisure walk around the block. That's all." I promise, but really, he'd taken my promises too literally. Like the time I promised not to tell my friends about him. I didn't. But sometimes promises mean nothing to me. This was one of the times.

"And what happens if you take too long? If you try and leave for good. You know I will get you back here, right? When I do that, what would you say's appropriate to do to you?" He bites his lip, placing his finger on his chin. I don't know what it was, but for the first time since Darlah's been here, I can feel my pùssy throbbing at his words.

"Anything you'd like." I smirk, liking the sound of that. I knew that what he'd do would be surely enjoyable for me. Darlah just had to not be around for it and that obviously was to be arranged.

He pauses thoughtfully before an all too sexy look of amusement falls onto his features,"You know, Darlah's inspired me to try some new things with you. I think I might test out some of them on you if in the end, the outcome is in my favor. That cool with you?" His eyes don't move off of me and instead stare into my soul. My hearts pounding abnormally, but instead of words I nod in agreement, trying to walk past him.

"Oh and... don't you think of cheating on me, okay? Because I promise you bad things will happen to you then." He warns, and this time, his words don't turn me on. They sort of scare me, so again I nod, scurrying out of the room going to find my coat in the halls closet. Once I'm through, I find myself at the front door, hand shakily on the knob.

  I turn but I know that I won't see him. Not unless he wanted me to.

  Okay Sarah. This is it. Don't be a pussy.

    I turn the knob, almost unsure of what laid outside of the door. It wasn't rocket science but it felt like such. I haven't been out for so long. A part of me thinks I struck a nerve with Dean when I'd said he didn't want me to leave because he couldn't. But also, I'd stricken a nerve in myself upon realizing that him not being able to leave really did mean we couldn't have a normal life. And that made loving him seem all the more futile.

  "Fifteen. " I hear from behind me when I've finally gotten the door opened. Dean. I jump a little, shaken up a bit although being completely used to Dean by now. A part of me felt like he was testing me. Like as soon as I took a step out of the door he'd drag me back in and punish me. But a even bigger part of me knew that he wasn't going to drag me back inside. In fact, he was going to do the opposite. He was going to stand there and watch me leave, watch me reach the sidewalk where he and I knew both knew he couldn't touch me.

  "Fifteen?" I glance back at him and then back to the outside world. Everything seemed almost exactly the same except the sky was much more grey, and trees were almost completely bare. Surprisingly, the grass and the flowers on my property never died. Never faltered. Heck, I never even watered anything here. And yet, they remained stuck in summertime perfectness.

   "Fifteen minutes. And then your back here. With me. And Darlah." He pauses before saying And Darlah. I know that a part of that seemed strange to him. That Darlah just remained part of our lives. But I wanted to assure him that when I'd finally returned, Darlah would be nowhere near here. I just had to play everything right.

  And so I nod and start outside. I do take in the fresh air and I do appreciate it so much. It sucks that Dean was stuck in there, because fresh air was one of those things that needed to be appreciated while you had it, because once you didn't have it it was all you wanted. Maybe Dean secretly wanted these things. Maybe that's why he was trying to keep me inside.

   I walk and walk around the block about 3 times, sometimes staying still, sometimes not. I'd sometimes see Dean in the window looking to see if I'd come back. But a part of me also thought he was waiting for Darlah. Maybe he was taking this as an opportunity to spend some alone time with Darlah. This thought made me take longer to return. When I was on the side of the block that'd be "behind" our-my house, I'd gotten a text from Darlah. It'd been 20 minutes and I hadn't returned.

5 minutes late and he already had Darlah blowing me up.

Where are you?

Which the only logical response was my location with a "come get me".

I knew that for Dean she would. She'd maybe run even. If only she knew that this'd be the last thing she was doing for Dean.

Whew you guys... this was hard to continue, I had such writers block from the transition between the house and outside XD

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