(18) Sarah

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Hope y'all are following signatureessencee2  cause I just know one day I'll be trying to log in and it'll turn out wattpad has deleted me. It's happened before with no warning.

We left the place promptly leaving behind no evidence that I was there. Okay, so we had a deal. I was leaving— not to be trafficked but to be brought back to my home to be... a séx slâve to Daniel? And to make Dean watch... it was just cold. They were cold. And the fact that they râped Dean? They had something coming to them before I was to leave. I just didn't know what.

Halfway there is a car different than the one they'd taken Darlah in earlier, we were met with an equally small car that pulled up beside us that let out Darlah. She had a black eye and mascara running down her face. Too afraid to ask what happened in front of Dean and Kaden, I shut my mouth. But I had to ask as soon as I could. This was my fault.

"How was your first and last day, Darlah was it?" Daniel hums as his eyes catch her attentive eyes through his rearview mirror. Her jaw seems to clench and her eyes seem to water. She doesn't answer him. She looks out of the window instead.

"No, no, no. You misunderstand me terribly, my dear. When I speak to you, you speak back. Otherwise, we may remove your teeth as we had planned for the hell of it. Then if you ignored me, it'd be fine."

"Woah! Remove her teeth?!" I shoot out receiving quickly a tug on my arm from Darlah as if to not say anything further. But I had to. They put me through something horrible too but I would not just sit back and shut up, "How demented are you?!" I shout cringing at the thought of having all of my teeth pulled out by these thugs. How sīck did you have to be?

Daniel let out a hearty chuckle. Apparently very sick, "I don't think you've seen a quarter of how demented I can be. But still, I'm offended. I've done tons of these procedures with my own two hands. No complaints." I can't tell that he is but I hear a smirk. The more we talked about this, the more the teeth in my own jaw ached.

"This one though— isn't part of my being 'demented'. All of our girls probably have their fingerprints burned off and teeth pulled out once we sell them anyway. It's so they can't be identified." He starts and immediately I feel the bile rise into my throat and I vomit on the floor of his car. He hits the breaks abruptly on the side of the barren road we'd been on and snaps at Kaden who gets out of the passenger side and flies open my door. I barely have time to process anything before he yanks me out of the car and slams the door before slamming me against the car face first. I yelp when he grabs a fist full of my hair in one hand while the other rested on my back.

   "Are you fûcking kidding me you weak bítch?! You're going to vomit in our car?!" He growls at me as if it were my fault. I can't seem to find a reasonable response as this whole argument was unreasonable so I just whimper from the pain of my scalp probably bruising.

"Normally I'd have you lick that shit up before I let you back in. But since I'm feeling nice, Darlah'll clean it up and you will spend the rest of the ride in here." He yanks me by my hair to the back of the car. Oh no. He opens up the trunk and pushes me inside. My tail-bone hits a wrench or something and I arch up in pain trying my best to fight his strength. The harder I tried to get out the easier it seemed for him to get my legs in, "I'm going to be slamming this—- really fùcking hard. I suggest you stay still because if I happen to slam a piece of your body... say a finger, I will leave it there until we reach our destination." He snickers haughtily watching as I meekly pulled all my limbs into the trunk. Tears streamed down my face as he slammed the hood, bringing immediate darkness. I waited a few minutes up to the point where the car was moving because I knew he'd be inside. That's when I kicked the hood as hard as I could to no avail. I only ended up hurting myself because I barely had space in here so my foot immediately cramped up. I screamed at the top of my lungs, sobbed even, but nothing was going to get me out of here. I tried to assure myself that it was no biggie since I knew where we were going. But it didn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Soon after, I fell asleep.

I didn't know how long I'd fallen asleep but pretty soon I was let out of the trunk. As soon as my feet touched the ground I just about fell to my knees. My legs had lost all feeling. Darlah comes and helps me stand while Daniel gives Kaden the key to go tend to their 'business' as if we all didn't know what it was. Daniel tells us that he'll be right behind us. I felt somehow that this was unfair to Dean. Surprising him this way. But the person I felt worse for was me. Sure Daniel was making me his you-know-what to hurt Dean, but I was stuck in the middle. An object of pleasure to both of them. I wondered if Darlah would come with me. I wondered if she may fùck it up.

We knocked on the door simultaneously with weak 'it's us-s ' to which Dean immediately flung open the door with a grin on his face. But in an instant, it seemed as if he saw a ghost— how ironic. He glanced past us at Daniel, "Wha-what're you doing here?" Dean speaks right through us and directly to Daniel. I'm afraid to turn back to face him. Daniel chuckles and guides both of us into the house by our backs, following right behind.

" Can't wait to get aquatinted to your little place!" Daniel beams excitedly, gazing around the place I should be happy to see. But I wasn't. I was stuck in one place, wondering how I'd called this place home even when I was being abused. I wondered even more about how I'd liked it. And fell in love with a ghost. I could barely look Dean in the eye but that was okay. His attention wasn't on me right now.

"What?" It's all Dean says— almost barks. He follows close behind Daniel who was gazing around as he walked through the house. I was stuck in one place. Frozen. But even if I couldn't see them I would be able to hear them.

"Oh you know, I give Darlah and the girl back without the need for payment. I realized I'd rather get paid through a devoted séx slave." I hear Daniel's voice echo, they weren't visible from my vision. They were probably between the kitchen and the basement door now.

"Daniel, I will give you the money. I will not be put through that, I-I'd kill you first." I can almost hear the look on Dean's face and I didn't like it. I knew that every time he saw or thought of Daniel, his rapé had to be playing in his head. I didn't like that. I felt so bad for him.

"While it'd be nice to show you who's got the most power... it's not you I'm talking about. I know that that's what you'd want after I tell you who it actually is." Daniel says evilly and it causes me to get a sharp pain in the pit of my stomach. My heart seemed to sink. My lower region was still in terrible pain after the whole ordeal at the abandoned building. I didn't want to be put through that. But I didn't know what to do just yet. And until I had a solid escape plan & figured out how to set Dean free, I was stuck being abused.

"Sarah..." Dean says in disbelief with a shattered voice and it was now I could see him looking at me through the archway of the kitchen nearest to the basement door. His face is sadder than I've ever seen it, even after the whole Darlah situation. And for some reason, his look broke my heart more than my predicament had.

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