(28) "Dangerous Knowledge "

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Darlah was on her way back and Daniel supposedly trusted me now. He hands me a book with plain leather outsides and I open it up and begin looking through the pages. It takes no genius to know that these are spells.

"I don't need it. Everything I need to know is up here." He points to his brain or at least that's what I assume he does. I don't look at him. I hate to admit this but this book was so so interesting. Though I couldn't understand anything in it.

"By any chance would you have an English version?" I snarl at him as blow through the pages with the pad of my thumb. I had a book with all of the answers with zero ability to read them. What fücking language is this?

"Nope, only version. Wrote it centuries ago, it helps to have to translate for people, they only know what you want em to. And if you think you'll be translating through Google or some shít you're wrong. It's my damn language, made it up millenniums ago. Few know it, and few I'd ever translated for. I'm intelligent as fuck, I take measures before they need to be taken." He was beginning to annoy me. I lied, he's always annoyed me. I roll my eyes, "If you're done talking yourself up to an erection maybe you can come tell me about this one." I beckon over with a second eye roll for emphasis and point to one of the spells at random. This one looked cool. The letters were odd though.

  "Naphithandi yuekla eratos maníqe sondem." He says and suddenly I can't breathe. I find myself clutching my chest and gasping as pressure built in my chest. He snaps and suddenly I can breathe again, "Takes people's breath away doll face. To stop it you say it with the letters and sentence reversed. Mednos eqínam sotare alkeuy idnahtihpan. Reach a certain level and all you have to do is think about stopping it, the same way I did." 

I try to regain all of my breath before I speak to the asshole again, "Asshole

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I try to regain all of my breath before I speak to the asshole again, "Asshole. Do you always attempt murder on your partners? And why'd you say that spell earlier if you're so powerful?" Or why'd he physically torture people when with one spell he can quickly kill them? I guess that speaks to what a deranged monster he was.

"For both questions, simply put, I'm an evil asshole. I knew your ears would perk up hearing me say a spell you thought would be easy to use. I also enjoyed popping your bubble immediately after. I'd say sorry but I wouldn't mean it." He laughs and I just roll my eyes and continue flipping through the book. I was stuck pretending I liked this díckwad for a spell I couldn't know unless I asked. If I had to ask for it he'd know what I was up to. This guy didn't make anything easy huh.

I keep flipping through the book, I notice not one word has repeated, " Why am I noticing none of the words repeat? You do know how a language works, right? I know all the possible sentences in a language have to share some words." It was odd. My brain was trying to find some sense in all of this but I couldn't understand anything. And nobody but him could help. And he'd never help me with what I needed.

"Nope, not mine. Told you, I'm clever. The word 'the' is said in here hundreds of different ways. Same for every single other word. If someone knew a few spells, they could learn a few more by finding the same words in the different spells to translate them. I wasn't going to make it easy on anybody." His voice was going to make my head explode. He had a nice voice but it's just become... annoying.

"God, are you clever or just a cautious díck? No ones going through the trouble of all of that in your fucking made-up language. How the fûck do you even speak it to other dícks if one word can have a hundred ways of saying it?" I ask, flipping through the book some more. I notice pages are missing.

"1.Clever and cautious. 2. I don't speak it. The only place this language needs to be said from is here... when newbies like you have to learn spells. Also, stop cursing at me. I will fûck your ass up." He replies in a manner that seems to have taken just one breath. I huff and nod.

"Sorry. So what're these missing pages?" I turn the book toward him getting back to what matters. It looks as if he's seen a ghost or something as he walks over to me and snatches the book out of my hands.

"Where the fùck did you put them?" His voice remained level but I can tell there was anger in there. Was he accusing me of stealing them?

"The pages? Why would I take them? I don't understand them, remember?" I reply quickly, fearfully. His glare seems to try to penetrate my soul through my eyes but his features loosen up some when the logic hits him.

"Give me an hour. Go spend time with Dean and make it seem like you still like him. The betrayal will hurt so much more." He groans tossing the book and storms out of the room slamming the door. What was up with those pages? They had to be big, right? He memorized everything in this book so the fact that he was upset over them missing made something clear. If he needed those pages I needed them more.

   I try to listen out for the front door to slam before I tiptoe out of the room on a mission to find Dean. I still couldn't speak to him about anything important... not the traditional mouth-to-ear way. But we had to talk about the sacrifice. We needed an alternative.

I find Dean in the kitchen on my laptop already and surprisingly also already in the notes app 'What happened?' he's pretyped it.

"Let me see if I can work it." I say aloud for good measure and get to typing, 'he's going to teach me some spells. go "stumble" upon the book and check it out. it's in Daniel's made-up language and I can't translate it without help' He looks at me with a furrowed brow and then at the laptop and says a "You figure that out I'm gonna go look for our favorite toy now that we're finally alone." He hands me back the laptop and I delete everything that was on the screen, folding my hands patiently on the laptop. I wondered if Daniel would wise up to what we were doing. Being sneaky with a laptop during every interaction? I'd like to think that even I'd find that suspicious.

I wondered what Daniel would say about Dean stumbling on that book. Would he bring it up to us both? Would he bring it up to only me? Would he bring it up at all? Because he'd definitely see that it was found. I'd say he shouldn't of left it out but he probably wasn't careful with it because no one but me would know what it was. No one except... Dean? Could Dean know how to read what was in the book? I mean sure... he didn't know how Daniel had a new body- which means he didn't know about magic or the book being on it. Darn it.

I think to go follow Dean to see how he reacts to it but I don't have to when I can hear Dean coming back down the steps. He returns with a paddle with heart indentations on it in his hand, probably for show for the cameras. We were like spies. I loved it.

He hands me the paddle and takes the laptop, "Seen any toys lately online that you like?" He says to make conversation but I knew it was for show for the cameras. I nod as he types, " Why haven't we looked into vibrating panties? That could be fun." I'd thought about it too, "Those are cool..." I trail as he hands me back the laptop.

'I've seen that book years ago when I was alive. Kaden use to read it a bunch, he can help us translate, but to help anybody there has to be something in it for Kaden. Something Daniel can't give him. Sex won't be enough. Can you think of anything?' I pause immediately remembering that pages were missing, and the new revelation that Kaden was a constant reader of the book. Kaden was Daniel's right-hand man, no one else would've gotten as close to the book as Kaden did. It was a no-brainer. Now, why would Daniel need pages of a book that he's memorized... that he's made? The answer was simple really. Those pages in the hands of someone else posed a danger to him somehow. It was dangerous knowledge. For once Daniel wasn't in complete control. I knew exactly how to get Kaden to help.

Almost as if on cue the front door flies open. It's Kaden and Darlah.

"Honey, I'm home."

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