(3)"Oh, Darling. You Make This Too Easy"

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  Somehow, I'd managed to fall asleep, but let me tell you, the feeling of waking up and instantly remembering what I'd gone through was a terrible one. And it didn't feel like a dream.

   I found myself aimlessly searching the house with my cellphone flashlight, every corner, every closet. The boy's face had never left my mind, and he wasn't anywhere around here. I might have thought it was a dream if it wasn't for the stinging sensation I felt on my aśs. And I hadn't seen the boy throughout the whole house so I thought in the morning I'd have a security system installed.

  If I went to the police, I feel like somehow my mom would find out and I didn't need that right now. After she was over being hysterical over what happened to me, she would say I told you so in regards to me moving to another damn country for a bit. Especially because I thought I'd stumble upon some damn ghosts.

   So the morning came, and I called a security company, and at first they sounded hesitant about coming over, but ultimately through begging, I convinced them.

   "So um, ma'am, this security system can be monitored for your cellphone, or your laptop. And if it is triggered and not disabled within 6 minutes, the police will be alerted." The man handed me a receipt and my chest fell when I saw the price,

   "Three hundred dollars?!" I exclaim, looking the the man with shock across my face. He nods simply and responds, " Plus the installation fee of 100 and the travel fee of 200. How would you like to-" but amidst this shocking statement, a familiar voice is heard behind me from the stairs area.

   "Oh, she won't be paying for any of that. Thank you for your assistance sir." The man who'd spanked me last night steps into view, snatching the receipt from my hand, ripping it up. The installation man begins to stutter, "Wh-what? Someone has to pay for it-" he stammers, and I am able to step back from the whole ordeal. How could I tell the contractor that this man is the reason I got the system? How did he even get in again?

My breathing picks up and I feel as if I'm hyperventilating, " No, sir. Nobody will. Enjoy your day." Dean smiles sinisterly, and something about the way he stared at the man had him shook up. Quickly, the man was gone without a word, and Dean's turned toward me.

"See, darling? I may mostly just spank you when we spend time together, but I've always got you in any other way you need. It wasn't too smart of you to think you could get rid of me. I won't trigger a security system, but you have triggered something inside of me." He steps toward me ever so slightly, the sinister look causing me to want to miraculously disappear out of here.

   "Y-yeah? And what's that?" I stutter, backing up until I was backed up into the old wooden living room.

   "Anger. Disappointment. Mostly anger." He chuckles as I find myself backed into dusty wooden wall, "Tell me, Sarah. You know about the basement, right? That it's unfurnished?" He pauses, staring at me as he looked into the distance thoughtfully. I had a million questions I wanted to ask him. Like how he got in, or how he got that man to leave just by looking at him, or how he knew my name. But. I was too in shock to even cry.

He slams his hand on the wall and leans into my ear with a whisper,   "Well, you know, I've had plenty of time on my hands. And so I've went ahead and furnished it myself. I think you'll be the first guest down there, yeah?" He steps back with a smile, holding his hands out for me, "I don't want to have to force you. That'll tire me out and ironically I become completely insatiable and energized when that happens, and you don't want to be punished for the rest of the day, now do you?" He wavers his hand out and I take it, knowing for a fact that he felt my hand shaking in his.

I guess at this point, I thought I'd be murdered and somehow I accepted that. The only explanation I'd come up with for how he knew his way around this house so well was that he was a squatter, but then I remember how we was able to scare that man off with just a look and I started to think maybe he was a ghost. But my mind is completely done wandering when we reach the basement.

The walls were matte black and painted red toward the top and there were things I recognized from pòrn throughout the room besides the large bed smack in the middle. Like a row of three torture chairs, a bar I assume you bend over, some strange device with a spreader bar for your ankles, cuffs dangling from the ceiling. The wall held instruments that usually were used for torture or spanking, and quickly I turn to run but her grabs my arm and stops me.

I'd always thought being in a situation like this would be great, but all I wanted to do was faint. My heart beats rapidly at the thought of him forcing me to be punished down here, I didn't know how I'd get out of this situation.

"Running? Again? Tsk. Tsk. Oh darling, you make this too easy."

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