(11) Dean

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Double update today. This one's longer than the first, if that satisfy you.Also I'm tired so if writing is poor, i'm so sorry :(

"I'll kill you all!" Dean angrily bellows, tears streaming down his face in an instant. I watch him pitifully, my heart breaking for him for a reason unknown to me. Deans never fùcking cried. How the fùck could he anyway?!

  "You recognize us? How?" The dark haired one gets closer to him, but not close enough for him to give Dean room to touch him. It was like he knew Dean couldn't leave the house property. Not even put a pinky outside of it.

  "I can fùcking sense everything. You think I wouldn't recognize your black souls? That I would ever not recognize you two?!" Dean's voice cracks before he points to me,

"You let her go, Daniel. I know what you guys do to girls when you're done with them and she's all I have." Dean falls to his knees clasping his hands together, and I actually can feel a warm tear fall down my cheek. What do they do to girls? And what do they do to them after?

"Come on, Dean. Give me a little credit, huh? I wouldn't sell or kill her. The other one, maybe. She's rude. But this pretty thing here? oh no. I'm not that cruel. In fact, I might even give her back to you." Daniel steps onto the grass and Dean rises and balls his fist,

"Be careful there, buddy. Pretty girl's still out of your reach." The one holding me warns from above me and I can tell it's the brown haired one from earlier. My heart pounds madly in my chest but some how I'm able to remain calm. I wanted to be inside with Dean. And even stranger? I wanted Darlah out of that car too.

Dean's hands fall open and he steps closer to Daniel until their faces are inches apart, "Please. Tell me what you want." He clenches his teeth as his chest rises and falls at a rapid rate. I was unsure of what would be of me in about 20 minutes but I'm hoping it wasn't dead. I'd take whatever Dean had to throw at me. I just wanted to be with him and these creepy guy's that he somehow knew out of here.

"I'm not sure yet, Dean. But how about we go inside and we can figure it out, huh?" The guy smirks at Dean and I want anything but for that to happen. It wasn't like Dean could die, but there was something that I didn't trust.



(This following part was written much better but I swiped down and it exited & this part wasn't saved. I will constantly be re-editing until I get it right)


I let Daniel into my house shuddering at the fact that he was here. Again. I partially wondered what he wanted but my mind didn't stray too far from the idea. I never thought I'd see him again. Him or Kaden. Especially since my gruesome murder. They were my friends for christ sakes. I remember vividly them taking me under their wings. We'd pick up girls together, go drinking together, party together. Back then, I was so much different. I could never lay a hand on a woman the way I did Sarah and Darlah. My soul didn't ache to be filled with the sight of bruises and a completely vulnerable female body. I would've never got off on the idea of a woman crying for my mercy only for me to not give it to her, as that turned me even more on. I was never such a monster. Not before knowing them.

"I see much hasn't changed since I last been here." Daniel motions to the furniture which I've held onto since my death. I ignored it, feeling all to angered by the fact that he was making small talk while Kaden was out there with Sarah. I felt something for her. Stronger than lust, but I couldn't describe the feeling beyond that. Love. I'd said it to her. But I wasn't sure if she really loved me like I'd assumed. But I was fine with that because I convinced myself that I said all of that to calm her.

I glare at him and leave the silence the way it was meant to be, but naturally, he decides to fill it, "How are you in this uh- human body. You look exactly the same as I remember, I can touch you, just like old times. Do you remember?". I shudder. I did remember.

"What do you want, Daniel?"!I mumbled bitterly and tiredly all while fear dripping through my veins. The look on my face would tell another story though. After what had happened, I couldn't show emotion ever again. Not in the conventional way anyway.

"For starters, I want you naked. And I want you somewhere a bit more comfy. A bedroom perhaps?" Daniel says all sultry like, and I want to murder him for it. But then he'd be stuck here. I knew that he knew that as well.

"I'm not gay. I never was and you know that." I spit angrily at the remembrance of the time Daniel and I had séx. Well no, I was räped. I remember we'd been drinking, surrounded the television watching a football game when suddenly I didn't feel like myself. Before I knew it, I was in my bedroom being held down by Kaden and being stripped by Daniel. I tried to fight but my vision was so blurry that I'd somehow let it get to the point where Daniel was inside me and I was left a bloody mess in the bed. See you later buddy. I remember them saying that afterward as I sobbed to myself and when I saw them the next day it felt as if I dreamed it. But the pain I felt said otherwise.

   I remember feeling less of a man for it. At the time Daniel was 30 and Kaden was 26. They were stronger than me and on top of that, I'd been drugged. I blame myself for the occurrence.

  "Dean, Dean, Dean. I know that you dream of this cóck in your tíght ass. It's the 20th century, nothing to hide." He grabs me by the back of my shoulder and begins pushing me up the stairs. The last time he tried to do this was the day they killed me because I threatened to tell the police all about them. Death shouldn't have been so cruel.

I turn to him with furrowed eyebrows shoving his strong chest to no avail. He's way stronger than me," Are you fùcking crazy?! I will not get naked for you. I will fùcking kill you if you so much as touch me." I warn, but I knew it that I couldn't kill him. Not unless I wanted him to be here with me forever. He grabs the front of my shoulder, pulling me in closer as he leaned in to say what he'd say next.

"Oh, but you see, the way I see it you have two options. You let me fùck you until you're limp crying like the pathetic lòser you are, or you watch me and Kaden fùck your precious Sarah while she begs your sorry ass to help her. Only our friend in the car will be holding so that you feel as helpless as you are." He warns. I feel my heart thumping angrily at the fact that he was right. I am helpless. I've been abused and it was my fault for being too weak. Maybe if I was stronger-

  "Please Daniel. I'm not gay! And Sarah can't take all of you. You're grown men and she's only seventeen. She wouldn't deserve it, she's a child." I cringe at the thought of them forcing my Sarah to do anything. She needed me. I was so close to agreeing to be abused by Daniel again. I'd do that for her.

  "Third option." He smirks, "We take that other one with us," he motions to the door outside and at first I don't know he spoke of, "and we leave you alone for the time being." He smiles a smile full of teeth and I shudder. The fact that I was ever friends with him is deteriorating to my soul if I even had one. How could such an abusive aśshole exist?!

   The other one? And then it hits me.

   "Darlah?" I think of the messy haired girl. The one who so willingly let me do with her body as I pleased. The one who enjoyed it. I didn't quite feel as strongly about her as I did Sarah though, and that was weird. Darlah was a séxual fantasy come true. Me and Sarah, we had our own version of things. Sometimes it grew tiresome punishing her time after time. Sexually grátifying, yes. But it was frustrating that she couldn't just be like Darlah.

   "Darlah. I must warn you. She might not survive with us. Do we have a deal?" He looks out the glass on the front door where Sarah was still held against Kaden. No matter what I needed her to be safe. I cared about her.

  "I- yes. We have a deal."

Fùck Darlah.

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