(10) "If You Behave"

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Sorry for updating so late & sorry that I keep calling Darlah "Dylan" who is a character from my MDF story. I really hope this doesn't seem rushed because I just wanted to get an update out & this chapter kept deleting so I did it as quick as I could today.

"Are you fùcking stupid?!" Darlah slams the car door very hard falling perfectly into the trap I'd set. For a plan I hadn't fully elaborated yet, I felt entirely too sure.

"No, I'm fucking Dean actually.." I cross my arms, watching her smugly as she walked up for me with anger to match probably Dean's. I couldn't believe I'd said something so bítchy. So embarrassing. But hey. Couldn't take it back now.

   "You have to come back." She says demandingly, reaching for my arm. But of corse, I'd rather die than to let her touch me. I don't know if it was jealousy, but ever since she'd first been whipped and pleasured by Dean, I've seen her differently. She liked it. She liked him. And If there were any doubt about it at all, her returning verified that fact.

"Frankly, I don't want to." I tease, placing my empty hands behind my back. What the fùck could I do now that I had her out here? I could probably beat her áss if I tried. But not good enough to get her unconscious, and that's what I needed. But I guess that thought helped in case she thought she could try and drag me back herself.

   "And frankly I don't want you to either." She smirks with folded arms, but still, she doesn't leave. She stands before me with crossed arms and the smuggest look on her face.

Of corse. That bitch has got to hate me as much as I do her. In honesty, I think we both wanted Deans attention desperately. Her, obviously. But I hadn't admitted that about myself completely and one hundred percent honestly. Until now.

"Wh-What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Darlah, my online friend who I at a point liked didn't want me in my own house? Was she that selfish?

"You don't appreciate Dean, Sarah. He punishes you and you act as if it's just that. You don't see the beauty in what you do together. What many girls want, you just happened to stumble upon. And you're not grateful for it." Darlah says quietly as she steps closer to me. The way she moved seemed dangerous, almost like I should be afraid. The way she talked didn't help either. How could I get rid of her?

"You don't know how I feel." I retort angrily. Any logical person would call us both mad, because now I am fully admitting it. I enjoy what Dean does to me. And even when I felt it was insane, I could see his humanity. It was there, even though he was a heartless abusive ghost. I could enjoy myself with him like he was a human. I could feel him. I could speak with him. I let him punish me. What would my mother say about that? He's a ghost! This isn't normal. But he said he loved me. Too. And I never told him I did. not even after.

"Before you cry, lets go ho-" But then something stops us both. It's a grey G-wagon, and as soon as we're aware enough to realize it, two boys have hopped out. I'd have to say they were maybe seventeen and twenty. There was another boy in the car who seemed to be in the same age range.

   "You ladies lost?" The one with hazel eyes and jet black hair speaks. On his face sat the most perfect mole above the right side of his top lip. I thought it'd be important to remember these things, but for some reason I was lost in his eyes.

"No, we are busy though. So if you don't mind." Darlah looks straight past them, unable to look any of them in the eyes. I admit, they were intimidating, but I was too lost in the black haired one's eyes to look away. I think he'd noticed because he hadn't looked away either as Darlah spoke.

"Look, you two are very beautiful. I'm not so sure that I in good conscience can walk away now." The younger looking guy stepped closer to Darlah as if he knew that his energy was making her this nervous. His eyes were a bright blue and his hair a mousy brown color. Something about these two seemed unnaturally beautiful, and I didn't know how I could possibly think such things knowing my feelings for Dean.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Darlah puts on a brave facade as she steps back from the man and reaches for me and pulls me back as well. I honestly let her because even in my trance, I knew that something wasn't right.

"We're going to fùck you both. All of us, including our friend in the car. And maybe afterward we'll buy you each a burger or something. That depends on if you behave." The black haired one steps closer to me reaching for my wrist on my side and that's when it dawns on me. There was no saying no to them. They said that they were going to. And right now the strangely sexy one's hand was on my wrist.

The man in the passenger seat beckons to the blonde one and I take that as some secret signal between them so I squeak out, "We'd love to. What're your numbers?" I subtly get out of his grip and back up and act like I'm looking for my phone in my pockets.

    "Shit, my phone's at my house- Darlah run!" I manage to squeak out, turning and darting back down the block from which I came. At the corner of my eye I see Darlah, but she doesn't catch up with me. Instead, through the sound of movement, she's gone from my peripheral. And then I hear her muffled scream. They'd gotten her. I assume I was too fast for then both because I'd heard them get in their car and close the door.  What I was running down was a one way street, so thankfully it didn't work in their favor and they couldn't follow me.

  How did my plan to get rid of Darlah work out without me lifting a finger. Must be god's beautiful doing.

   When I get to the front of the house I can taste the salty air and what seemed like blood inside my cheeks. But I couldn't help but be alert when I see Dean on the front lawn.

   "Why the fùck are you running?!" Is his first angry question and not why didn't I come back on my own. I knew that I was in for that soon though.

   "Something happ-" I try to explain it to him, but I stop myself. I wanted the first thing to come out of my mouth to be they took Darlah. But how could I care about that?! How could I tell her to run, try to save us both instead of myself only? It didn't matter now. She was gone and all that was left to do was to deal with Dean's punishment and get back to normal with him.

"You don't know the fùcking things I'm going to do to you for what you tried. Come insi-" He gets as close as he possibly can, but he stops. And when I notice he did was when I noticed the screech of tires behind me. Stupid, stupid, stupid. They didn't leave! They didn't give up. They went around the block.

I hear them get out but as soon as I think to run, I'm grabbed, "Get off me! Dean!" I fight as best as I could but I'm held against the kidnapper's body with his hand above my mouth. Dean stumbles backwards and ironically looks like he'd just seen a ghost.

   "Dean?" Another one hops out of of the car with amusement laced against his tone. I recognize the voice as the one with the black hair and hazel eyes. Why were they engaging with Dean? What kind of criminals would risk being caught? With the zero knowledge of him they have they should assume he'd run after me. They don't know Dean.

   "Long time no see, buddy."

But apparently, they must.


Sorry for the delay. Please still love me

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