DELETED SCENE - The Kidnapping of Kousei/The Flood

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NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR: These scenes comes between the chapters The Power of Friendship/Getting the Old Kaori Back and "The Old Kaori is Back!"/The Anniversary Party. This scene was cut because it would have "thrown off the whole mood of the movie" had it been included.
Kousei continued to watch TV as he sat on a couch. Even though he knew The Great Arima/Miyazono Bakery and Orphanage was closing down, he still had faith in his friends in trying to save it. Just then, however, two shadowy figures came into the TV room. They had a drugged towel, a rope and a mummified sleeping bag with them. The first figure said, surreptitiously, "There he is.... that's the sick boy." The second said "Yes, the ill piano prodigy that's the son one of the owners of this business..... let's get him." One of them took the towel to Kousei's face. Kousei didn't even let out a peep; his eyes drooped immediately, and he had become incapacitated. He was then tied up by other figure, and Kousei, who was shirtless and wearing nothing but sweatpants, had his glasses fall from the floor. He was unable to resist being kidnapped. The two then tried to secretively took Kousei to their car and put him in the sleeping bag, a Mercedes-Benz sedan. The two figures had successfully evaded being noticed by Kousei's father, Kaori's parents, Hiroko Seto and even the other staff members of the Bakery/Orphanage.
About a half-hour later, the car found its way towards a mansion. It turns out, it was Takayoshi Kishida and Akira Kaneyama that had kidnapped him. Kousei suddenly woke up. He found himself tied up to a chair; he was also shirtless wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Kousei, despite his limited sight without his glasses, knew he wasn't at the orphanage anymore. He was angry, and wanted to know more.
Kousei said to the two men, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TWO?!" Mr. Kishida said "My name is Takayoshi Kishida. I believe I want to have a word with you, Mr. Kousei Arima. You're that ill piano prodigy that we wanted to talk to." "What?!"
Takayoshi got out his phone, showing him a picture of Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari. "Do you know who these people are?" Kousei freaked out.
Mr. Kishida said "Well, since you know those three, here's a little something. Those three friends of yours? Well, they ruined the plan of my son's wife Shizuka's plan to murder my son Masao. My wife Yumi failed to include me in her inheritance, so that's how angry I am! They just beat the living crap out of my right hand man, Akira Kaneyama! So, consider this my revenge....."
Kousei then said "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS HEINOUS CRIME, YOU....." Just then, Mr. Kishida drugged Kousei with sedatives, and put him to sleep.
Mr. Kishida said "Well..... when those three arrive, they'll be in for a rude surprise....."
Meanwhile, back at the The Great Arima/Miyazono Bakery and Orphanage everyone around the staff was busy packing things up. Ryoko said lamentfully "Kaori and those two friends of hers..... they're the one's why we're being shut down!" Yoshiyuki calmed her down saying "Hey, some of the things they did were likely unintentional. Stop being so judgemental!" Ryoko then asked "Has anyone seen Kousei lately?"
Takahiko Arima, panicked, then ran into Ryoko and Yoshiyuki and to tell them what was going on. "Ryoko, Yoshiyuki! Listen, I don't want to alarm any of you, but a water main has burst! This place is going to flood completely at any second! We need to calmly evacuate everyone and everything as possible!" Ryoko yelled "OH, MY GOD! LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE WHILE WE CAN!"
Soon, everyone around the bakery/orphanage began to get out of the building in a safe and timely manner. Ryoko then said "Where's Kaori's violin?" Yoshiyuki said "Don't worry about it! All we care as of right now is that we get out of here safely before everything floods!"
Takahiko then said "Where's Kousei?! He's nowhere to be seen!" Yoshiyuki then said to Takahiko "I haven't seen him, either!" Then, the two found a note. They would read it as soon as everybody and everything were safely out of the building. As the evacuation continued, and the building continued to flood, a closet containing Kaori's violin, which was locked, began to flood. Soon, the violin case opened, and Kaori's violin became water-logged, causing damage as the wood and glue came undone.
Several hours later, everyone had been evacuated. Everyone was out of breath. Hiroko asked the Miyazonos "Have you seen Kousei?" Yoshiyuki said, "No, but I found this note!" Hiroko, Takahiko and the Miyazonos read the note.

Dear Arimas and Miyazonos,
Your three friends seem to have disrupted our scheme of killing off my son, Masao Kishida (they hurt my assistant Akira Kaneyama quite badly) over the fact that my wife, Yumi, failed to include me in her inheritance after her death in a boating accident. So, I took it upon myself to get revenge. I took Mr. Arima's son Kousei, and he's with me. And I don't give a cap about the fact that he's ill, either! Hand over 5 million yen, and nobody gets hurt! Don't call the damn police, either!

Mr. Takayoshi Kishida,
lawyer-in-chief, Takahashi, Urashima and Kishida

Takahiko then became very angry. "Goddamnit! That son-of-a-bitch lawyer Takayoshi Kishida took my son!" Yoshiyuki then said "I know how you feel, Takahiko. We'll try to find a way to get Kousei back....." Kousei's father wanted to know "How? Where will we get 5 million yen?" Kaori's father then said "Don't worry.... somehow, we will find a way to get back your son...."

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