"WE'RE SHUTTING DOWN?"/Friends on a Mission

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As Shigeru Arima climbed on top of one of the upper windows of the bakery/orphanage, he was putting up a big FOR SALE sign on top of the building. As Shigeru put up the sign, Kaori, Watari and Tsubaki all on the golf (with Watari driving the cart), had one of their taller tools protruding, and it wound up tipping over the ladder Shigeru was on, and that caused him to fall down and land on some of the workers of the business; they were mostly female. "WHOA, JEEZ! AAAAH!!!" Shigeru yelled as he came down. Some of the assistants to the Arimas and Miyazonos said as he came down on the group, "Shigeru, you okay?" "Shigeru! What happened?"

Kaori, upon seeing Shigeru, thinking that he was "being fresh" with the Bakery/Orphanage workers, told Watari as he was driving, "WATARI! STOP THE CART!" Watari did just that, and stopped the cart immediately. Kaori, Tsubaki then told her two friends, "Hey, look! Guys! Some wise guy is roughing up some of the assistants!" Watari said "How dare you!" Kaori then said, "Why, you....!" and all three of them ran towards Shigeru Arima. The three then started to brawl with him, pulling off all sorts of wrestling moves. Kaori said to Shigeru, "Picking on people of my gender, eh? This'll teach you to respect women!" Watari de-pantsed Shigeru. "How do you like that, pretty boy?" Tsubaki then said "Think it's okay to beat on innocent women? You've disrespected people of my gender!" Kaori then suplexed Shigeru.

In the background, Ryoko and Yoshiyuki Miyazono, Takahiko Arima and Hiroko Seto all had looks of shock as Kaori, Watari and Tsubaki were wrestling with Shigeru Arima; what they were doing to him was something you'd see out of the WWE, with Kaori even yelling at one point "RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!" Ryoko then asked her husband, Yoshiyuki, "Yoshiyuki, what are you going to do about these three? Do something about them, DAMMIT!" Yoshiyuki, feeling like he was being henpecked, then said "Okay, Ryoko, Whatever you say. Let me handle this." Just then, he got out a lifeguard/referee whistle, and cleared his throat. Yoshiyuki then blew the whistle very loud and clear, and with that, Kaori, Watari and Tsubaki stopped fighting Shigeru.

Yoshiyuki intervened and said to the three, "Do you three not know who this man is?" Takahiko Arima said, "What the hell are you three doing?" Tsubaki then explained, "We caught this lounge lizard getting all handsy with the assistants!" Takahiko then told the three "This is no lounge lizard. He's here on official business!" Watari then said "Official business? Why didn't you say so?" All three of them put up portable privacy curtains, changed out of their work gear, and into their Sumiya Junior High uniforms. With a smile on his face, Watari said "I'm Ryota Watari. Pick me up. I'll clip your hedges!" Kaori was next, saying, "Kaori Miyazono at your service! I'll hedge your clippers!" Tsubaki finally had her turn, saying "Call me Tsubaki Sawabe! I'll fetch your slippers!" Kaori then said, "I'll scrub the stench right off them dentures!"

Shigeru Arima responded to all three, slapping them all at once, saying "You idiots! I'm not here to adopt!" Takahiko then informed the three, "This is my brother, Shigeru Arima. He's the chairman of Arima/Miyazono Industries, and is in charge of this establishment." Kaori then said, "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Arima! I'm assuming you must be Kousei's uncle, am I right?" Yoshiyuki then told her daughter, "Yes, Kaori. You assumed right. Shigeru is Kousei's uncle." Takahiko then told the crowd of children and assistants, as he clapped, "Ladies, gentlemen, everyone please gather 'round. I have an announcement to make." Watari said, "Oh, are we getting pizza?" Takahiko said "Come on over, pull it in." Then came his announcement.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you all this, but due to the recent economic downturn and some unforeseen expenses, the bakery/orphanage will be forced to close down at the end of the month." Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari responded simultaneously with "WHAT THE HELL?! WE'RE SHUTTING DOWN?!", with the others in the crowd gasping in shock. One of the female assistant workers asked "But what's going to happen to the children? All these baked goods? Kousei? And us?" Shigeru Arima said "Well, all of you workers will have to find some new jobs, sadly, all the children will be sent to foster homes, and the baked goods will go to a homeless charity. As for Kousei, given his health situation, he may need to be sent to an assisted care home."

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