23 - Quiz Bowl

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The Quiz Bowl came around and Matt, Jack and the basketball team showed up to watch Alex perform with Harper and her team. Nellie Rodriguez had dropped out form the Quiz Bowl due to a malfunction with the buzzer.

Matt fixed the buzzer and assured Nellie that the buzzer won't hurt her or anything, but she refused to rejoin the team.

"I feel so bad for Nellie," Jack said as they entered the gym.

"Yeah, me too," Matt said. 

"I would be freaked out too if that happened to me," Jack said.

Alex smiled and waved at Matt.

A smile instantly appeared on Matt's face and waved back.

"What are we doing here?" one of the basketball members asked.

"I don't know about you guys, but Matt and I are here to support our friends," Jack said.

Matt, Jack and the team took up most of the seats.

"Teams ready?" Mr. Laritate asked. "Have some fun, take your time, and remember, there are no losers. Only winners and the people that aren't them."

Justin laughed.

"Question one," Mr. Laritate began, "what umbrella term refers to the diseases of the heart and blood vessels?"

Alex was the first to hit her buzzer.

"Cardiovascular disease," she said.

Matt raised his eyebrows, impressed.


"Correct!" Mr. Laritate rang his bell.

Justin didn't seem too thrilled.

Matt smiled and clapped for her along with the team.

"Next question," Mr. Laritate said. "How many distinct codon sequences are there in an RNA messenger molecule?"

Zeke hit his buzzer and said, "Eight or two cubed."

Mr. Laritate imitated the buzzer, which meant Zeke was wrong.

Alex hit the buzzer and said, "Sixty - four or four squared."

"And Bingo was his name - o," Mr. Laritate said, impressed and ringing the bell.

Everyone applauded.

"You can't see through these cards, can you, Russo?" Mr. Laritate asked Alex.

Matt smiled.

"Wow," Harper said, impressed as well. "How did you do that?"

"You're the one who said I studied," Alex said, not looking at Harper. "Why are you asking me?"

She smiled and waved at Matt, who smiled.

"Yup, she's into you," Jack said.

"No," Matt shook his head, "no, she's probably just messing with me."

"Why won't you believe that she likes you?"

"Do you know Alex?" Matt looked at his best friend as the Quiz Bowl went on. "She'll like me now, but then move on with another guy next week."

"I don't think so," Jack shook his head. "I was hanging out with her and Harper whenever I wasn't with you. She won't stop talking about you."

Matt didn't say anything. 

"Why are you so scared of asking her our?"

"I don't know," Matt sighed. "Can we not talk about this here?"

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