05 - Wizard Lessons

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Matt got home from school on Friday. He got home earlier than usual. Fridays is the only day where he doesn't have practice after school. 

Matt would spend Fridays to relax, but can't. Instead go going out with friends to the movie theater or hang out with them, Matt has wizard lessons with Rose.

"Alright," Harrison said, "ready for wizard lessons?"

"Yeah," Matt said.

"Uh - huh," Rose nodded.

"Good," Harrison said. "Did you pick up lunch?"

"They're in here, Dad," Matt said, lifting a plastic bag containing three sandwiches.

"Alright," Harrison said. "We'll have lunch then we'll start the wizard lesson."

After a quick lunch, Harrison, Matt and Rose began their lesson. The lair was located in one of the closet containing all of the tools and supplies for the store. 

"Alright," Harrison said. "Today, you two will be learning the duplicate spell."

"The duplicate spell?" Rose repeated.

"Yes," Harrison said. "You can duplicate something. I've got Matt's signed baseball."

"Hey! I was looking for that!" Matt said. "I turned my bedroom upside down looking for it."

"I didn't tell you that we're using it for the lesson?"

"No! You didn't tell me anything."

"Sorry," Harrison said, guilty. "You'll get it back at the end of the lesson. I promise."

"Thank you!"

"Alright, Matty, come on up and perform the spell," Harrison said. 

"What's the spell?" Matt asked as he walked up to his signed baseball.

"It's Edgebonoutoosis."

Matt nodded.

"Make sure you're focused on duplicating the baseball."

He pulled out his want and performed the spell.

He waved his wand and said, "Edgebonoutoosis."

The signed baseball was duplicated into two.

A smile appeared on Matt's face when he performed the spell perfectly.

"Perfect," Harrison said. "You did great, Matt."

"Thanks," Matt said. 

He leaned over to pick up his baseball but couldn't figure out which one was the original.

"Oh," Harrison realized. "Now, which one is the original?"

Matt bit his lip. 

"Well, who cares? I got two signed baseballs," Matt said, happily as he picked up both baseballs.

"Hey, give me one of those," Harrison said.

Matt threw one to his father as he walked back to the desk.

"Thank you," Harrison said.

He placed the copy of the baseball back on the table.

"Rose, why don't you try it out?" Harrison offered. 

"I don't have a wand yet, Dad," Harrison reminded her father.

"Oh, right, right," Harrison remembered. 

Right at that moment, the wizard mail arrived.

The mail landed on the table, causing some of Matt's and Rose's notes to fall on the ground.

"Whoa," Matt said, leaning back on his chair.

"That's my wand!" Rose said at the sight of the box.

She reached over to the box happily and opening the box.

"What did we get today?" Harrison said as he walked over and picked up one of the envelops.

Matt reached over to some of the other packages and picked up one of them.

"Hey, Dad, this is for you," Matt said, reading the name on the box.

"And this is belongs to you," Harrison said, reading the name on the box.

Harrison and Matt opened the packages.

"I don't remember ordering this," Matt said, pulling out a history book.

"Oh, right, I ordered that book for you," Harrison said. "I put it under your name."

"It's a history book about magic?" Matt said, looking up at his father.

"Oh, yeah," Harrison said. "Seeing which level you're in, I thought it would be a good idea for you to have the book."

Matt said.

"What did you get, Daddy?" Rose asked.

"Um, it's a new spell book for the wizard lessons," Harrison said. "Okay, now that you got your wand, Rose, try out the spell."

Rose nodded as she got up from her desk and walked over to the table.

"The spell is Edgebonoutoosis," Harrison reminded hr.

She nodded.

Rose waved her wand and said, "Edgebonoutoosis."

She unfortunately didn't duplicate the object properly.

"Sorry," she said, guiltily.

"It's fine," Harrison assured her. "It's the first time using your wand and you're still learning. Alright, the lesson is over. You guys are free to leave."

Matt got up and picked up his signed baseball. He headed back to the apartment and headed to his room. 

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