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Matt missed another week of school

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Matt missed another week of school.

He did all of his homework at home and Rose took it to school.

Alex, Justin, Juliet, and all of Matt's other friends stopped by everyday, hoping to talk to Matt, but he refused to see them. He didn't want them to see him in this state.

Matt's basketball coach stopped by to make sure Matt was alright.

"He's okay," Harrison assured the coach.

"Tell him - tell him to come talk to me when he comes to school," the coach requested. "I wanna see him and talk to him and..."

"Will do," Harrison nodded.

"Good thing basketball season hasn't started yet," the coach laughed, nervously. "We need our star player."

Harrison smiled. "Yeah, well, he's a great basketball player."

"He definitely gets it from you, Harrison," the coach.

"Well," Harrison smiled, shrugging, "I guess basketball runs in our family."

The coach laughed. "Yeah," he agreed. "Well, I'll see you soon."

Shortly after the coach left, Juliet came over.

"Hello, Mr. Taylor," Juliet greeted him.

"Hi, Juliet," Harrison greeted her as he made dinner.

"I'd like to see Matt," Juliet requested. "And I know what you're gonna say, 'He doesn't want to see anyone,' but I need to talk to him."

"I'm sorry," Harrison said, "but -"

"I know he's a werewolf, sir," Juliet said.

"Wh - what?" Harrison stuttered, looking up at the vampire. "How did -"

"I can smell it," Juliet said. "Please, sir, I need to talk to him."

Harrison sighed. "Alright," he gave in. "He's in his bedroom."

"Thank you," Juliet said.

"And -"

"Leave the door open!" Juliet finished as she went up to Matt's room. "I know!"


Juliet knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" Matt called.

"It's Juliet!" 

Matt took a sharp breath.

"Juliet, please -"

Juliet opened the door and left it open.

"Matt," Juliet said, "I know."

"You know what?" Matt asked, sitting up from his bed."

"I know you're a werewolf," Juliet said. 

"Oh," Matt said, his face dropping. "How did -"

"Reminder, just like wizards, werewolves have scents," Juliet said. "I detected the change in scent with you."

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