11 - Justin's Friends

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Matt and Jack entered the subway to see Justin sitting with a group.

"Is that..." Matt began.

"Justin with friends?" Jack began.

"Huh," Matt said. "Didn't think Justin was serious."

"Yeah, me neither," Jack agreed.

The duo rushed over to Alex, who was talking to one of Justin's friends.

"Hey," Jack said, "are those Justin's friends?"

"Yeah, apparently," Alex said. "And apparently, Justin is funny."

"Seriously?" Matt said. He glanced at Justin and his friends. "Justin's funny?"

"Hey, you learn something new everything," Jack said.

Alex took a few steps forward and tapped a blonde girl on her shoulder.

She got up and approached Alex, Matt and Jack.

"Excuse me, hi," Alex said. "I'm Alex. This is Matt and Jack."

"I'm Susan," the girl introduced herself.

"Please tell us you're talking about something incredibly lame right now," Jack said.

"Actually, we were just making plans to see Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster II," Susan said. She noticed something behind Alex, Matt and Jack. "Oh!"

She began to head to the counter. 

"You mean that new Ruby Donahue movie?" Alex asked as she, Matt and Jack followed Susan. 

"Yeah, it's the first horror movie she's ever done," Susan said. 

"Oh, cool," Matt said, "I really want to go to that movie."

"Yeah, me too," Jack agreed. 

"We love Ruby Donahue," Alex said.

"She's amazing," Matt said.

"Me too!" Susan said. "She's a role model of mine! I plan to follow exactly I her footsteps. I'm going to grow up on a ranch on Montana," she began to list.

Matt and Jack gave her confused looks.

"Start my own charity for something sad," Susan continued, "and the, create my own price - conscious beret line."

"Huh," Jack said.

"Have you heard her new CD of sensitive but mildly angry rock songs?" Alex asked. "And she's like 'whoo!'"

"Okay, Alex," Justin said, jumping in, "Matt, Jack. My friends and I have some very important things to discuss over here. Hey, Susan," Justin pulled her to the side, "have you really considered the concept of infinity?"

Matt rolled his eyes.

"Nerd," Jack coughed into his hand.

"I was just thinking about that -" Susan began.

"I can lend you the new Ruby Donahue CD," Alex interrupted.

"Thanks!" Susan said. "Justin, I really like your sister and her friends."

"Hey!" Jack said. "You're willing to lend her the CD but not me?"

"Here we go," Matt said.

"Al -"

"Jack, let it go," Matt cut in. "I'm sure there's someone else who's willing to lend you the CD."

Justin looked frustrated behind Susan.

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