04 - 'gurtbarn

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"Something is up, Dad," Matt said to his father as he opened the fridge for a bottle of water. "No one can be that good at waiting tables."

Matt closed the fridge door and sat down with his father and sister at the dining table. Rose was reading a book while Harrison was listening to his son.

"I don't know, bud," Harrison said, leaning back. "Maybe Harper is good."

"I don't think so, Dad," Rose said. "It seemed like, I don't know, magic."

"You think Harper is a wizard?" Harrison chuckled.

The Taylor family weren't just any normal family. They were a family of wizards. They've been keeping this a secret for many years. Harrison is a wizard. He could have gone into the wizarding world for a job, but chose to live a normal life, except with magic. 

Matt and Rose's mother was a wizard too. Where she is now and what she's doing with her magical skills, Harrison, Matt and Rose don't know, but all they know is that one day she was with them, the next day, she and all of her things were gone.

Matt's friends know many things about him, but his being a wizard is something that they don't know. They will never know about this. They can't know.

"No," Matt shock his head. "She's not a wizard. There is no way she is one. Dad, have you seen Harper?"

"Yeah, I've seen her," Harrison said. "But who knows? She could be one?"

"Yeah, sure," Matt scoffed.

"I think magic is involved in this," Rose said. "I don't what it is, but something is pointing towards it."

"Yeah," Matt said, "yeah, there's something pointing to magic."

"Did you put that spell on her?" Harrison asked. "The serving - wench spell?"

"No," Matt said, offendedly. "No! Dad, I wouldn't use magic that irresponsibly."

"I know," Harrison said. "But just making sure."

Someone knocked on the door and Harrison got up and opened the door.

"Hey, Jack," Harrison said. 

"Hey, Mr. Taylor," Jack said. "Is Matt home?"

"Yeah, he is," Harrison said. "Matt! Jack's here."

"Hey, man," Matt said, getting up from the dining table and walked over to his best friend.

"Hey," Jack said. "I'm heading over to the 'gurtbarn. Wanna come? Harper is working there and I thought we could go over and check on her."

"Dad, can I go?" Matt said.

"Only if Rose is coming," Harrison said.

"Matty, please, I wanna come," Rose begged. "I really want frozen yogurt."

Matt sighed. "Fine, you can come."

Rose smiled happily as she closed her book. She grabbed her jacket and walked over to the door.

"Don't forget your jacket, Matt," Harrison said, grabbing Matt's hoodie and throwing it to him.

"Thanks," Matt said, catching it.

The three left the house and ran into Alex, who had just walked out of the substation.

"Hey, Alex," Matt said, his heart beginning to race.

"Hey, guys," Alex said.

"Where you heading off to?" Jack asked.

"I'm heading to the 'gurtbarn," Alex said. "I need to apologize to Harper."

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