02 - Substation

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Matt and Jack walked down the stairs at school behind Alex and Harper the following week at school.

"Oh, my Gosh, did you hear?" Harper asked Matt, Jack and Alex. "The 'gurtbarn is handing out free frozen yogurt samples."

"Oh, how do you know that?" Alex asked as they walked down the hall.

"Oh my cell, I got a 'gurt alert," Harper said.

Matt and Jack tried to hide their laughter.

"A 'gurt alert?" Jack snorted.

"How did they come up with that?" Matt said.

"Well, you're gonna have to try it without me," Alex said.

"I have to work," Alex said.

"You always have to work," Harper said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Alex said, "but I'm sure the guys will be able to come with you."

"Oh, sorry," Matt said, "Jack and I have basketball practice."

"Yeah," Jack said. "And Mr. Taylor asked us to help fix the cars at the mechanic store afterwards."

"Oh," Harper said, disappointedly. 

"A beanie?" Alex said, as she saw a boy with a beanie pass them.

Alex and Harper looked at each other and begin to sing, "What's that? A hat? Crazy, funky, funky hat, overslept, hair unsightly, trying to look like Keira Knightley. We've been there, we've done that, we see right through your funky hat."

Alex and Harper did a small dance as they sang.

Matt rolled his eyes.

"Every time," he groaned.

"Do you have to do that every time?" Jack asked.

"You were saying?" Alex said, ignoring her friends.

"It's just really hard to have friends who are always busy," Harper said. 

"I know," Alex said. "Ooh, why don't I get my parents to give you a job at the sandwich shop? That way, we can hang out all the time and even get paid for it. And Matt lives across the street with his dad and Rose and Jack is always over."

"That is true," Jack nodded.

"Really?" Harper asked, excitedly. "That'd be great. I've never had a job before. Well, except for the dollar grandam gives me for rubbing lotion on her feet."

"That's a job?" Jack said. "Oh man, I could've made money every time my grandma visited."

Matt chuckled. 

"Yeah, well, we're just make sure you're wearing gloves when you make the sandwich," Alex said.


Matt and Jack had finished basketball practice and had gone to the substation to get sandwiches before helping Harrison with the store.

Matt and Jack had ordered their sandwiches and were waiting for them when Harper came in.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Russo," Harper said.

She was holding a Help Wanted sign in one hand and a briefcase in the other hand.

"I happened to be passing by when I noticed this 'Help Wanted' sign," Harper said. "I'd like to apply for the position."

"Oh, wow," Alex said as Harper sat next to Matt, "I didn't know we were hiring. What a good idea, Mom and Dad."

Matt and Jack looked at each other.

"Harper, we didn't put that sign in the window," Mr. Russo said.

"Well, someone did," Matt said.

"We're not hiring any sandwich associates," Mr. Russo said as he walked over to a table.

"Or people wearing a sandwich," Mrs. Russo added as she placed two sandwiches on the table, one for Matt and one for Jack.

"Harper, there's no job available," Mr. Russo said, picking up a plate and walked back, "but if you can turn that sandwich into a taco, I think Raul's is hiring down the street."

"But we're swamped," Alex said. "Matt and Jack both work at the mechanic store with Mr. Taylor and we totally need more help with -" she turned around to see an empty restaurant "all of our phone orders," she recovered.

Harper nodded in agreement.

"Well, we're no help here," Matt said as he got up.

"Uh - huh," Jack agreed.

"What? No, don't go yet," Alex said, stopping the boys.

She put her hands on their chests to stop them from leaving, causing Matt to feel something inside of him. He bit his lip. He suddenly turned nervous. 

"Girls, I know you think it'd be fun to work together," Mrs. Russo said, " but it's really hard to work with friends or family. You can ask Matt and Jack about this."

"Oh, yeah," Jack said and Matt nodded in agreement. "The amount of times we argued while fixing a car..."

"What happened?" Alex said.

"You don't want to know," Matt shook his head.

"The one time you forget to wipe off the tip of the mustard squeeze bottle, and it's suddenly three hours of silent salami slicing," Mrs. Russo said.

Jack raised an eyebrow.

"It dries at the end and get's crust," Mr. Russo said. "It's unsightly."

"But, Mom, Dad, think about it," Alex insisted. "If Harper works here, you guys could spend more time with each other."

"Yeah, Jerry," Mrs. Russo agreed. "We could even go to one of those dollar movies you're always talking about."

"it's a movie for a dollar!" Mr. Russo said, enthusiastically. "How could you not talk about that?"

"You sound like my dad," Matt said. "Refuses to spend more than a dollar on a movie."

"See? Harrison gets it," Mr. Russo said, smiling.

"Let me show you," Mrs. Russo said. "Alex, it is a big responsibility training a new employee."

"Does that mean yes?" Alex said, hopefully.

"And you can't shirk your responsibilities while you're training her," Mr. Russo added.

"Does that mean yes?" Alex repeated.

"And remember, business comes before friendship," Mrs. Russo concluded.

"I'm taking that all as a yes!" Alex said, gleefully. "Harper, you're hired!"

Alex and Harper began to jump up and down, screaming in excitement.

"I mean," Alex said, correcting her behaviors, "welcome to our family's business."

She and Harper shook hands.

"Alright," Jack said, "we gotta go and work."

"Yup," Matt agreed. "We'll see you in a bit."

"Oh! Wait!" Mrs. Russo exclaimed. "I just remembered, here's your father's sandwich."

Mrs. Russo went back and came back with a sandwich.

"Thank you," Matt said, picking up the sandwich. 

"We'll see you guys later," Jack said as he and Matt began to leave.

"Bye, guys," Alex said. 

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